Hello Joel,
I have been trying to set the data source / point to update when the timestamp changes in the MySQL table. I need to use the timestamps from the reports table.
I can see that the timestamps in the watchlist matches the timestamp from the MySQL table.
However the time stamps that are listed in the spread sheet downloaded from the watchlist does not match what is displayed on the watchlist web page.
Each data point in the spread sheet has a difference of about 30 seconds.
I also then checked the history recorded in the data points details page and found that they don't match the watchlist either.
The data is first brought into Mango via an SQL data source where I have the data points using a "Time override column" that points to the data column in the originating MySQL table. I also have the data points set so that the "Logging type" is set to "When point timestamp changes"
Then we use a Meta Data Source so we can scale the SQL data points into meaningful data. I have tried simply keeping the logging interval to a set 15 minutes because that is the time the data will normally come into the database. I also had the "Update Even set to "Start of Minute". But I found that the data points had data for every minute in the history even thought the logging was set to 15 Minute Interval.
So I changed the Update Event to "Context Update" and added a new context above the script box for the timestamp.
Please let me know if I have the is set up incorrectly or if there are any other changes I need to make to get the original data timings from the MySQL table.
Thank you