Updating Data Point value via REST API
Hi Joel, Phil,
Wondering if I'm missing something - when attempting to update a data point's value via the REST API (/v1/point-values/{xid}) I am finding that items with a "dataType" of alphanumeric will update as expected, but items with a "dataType" of numeric will not (fail with a 406 error). To double check I have taken a single data point which has a type of numeric and continually fails to update via the API and changed its dataType to alphanumeric, and suddenly it starts updating as expected. Upon returning the dataType setting to numeric it once again fails. Flip-flop between the 2 dataTypes and the update works and doesn't respectively.
The JSON from the put command is very very basic and all I did is add or delete ALPHA from the relevant location in the dataType line:
"dataType": "NUMERIC",
"value": "4321",
"timestamp": 0,
"annotation": ""
}Am I missing something? Should there be some additional required information/step for "numeric" dataTypes?
what if you remove the quotes from around the number 4321 when it is numeric?
^ this was my first thought as well.