@CraigWeb Sure:
This is running the latest Mango V4.5. I'm using the Raw TCP data source to chat with a TCP <-> GPIB Adapter, but this bug (also) appears in the serial data source as well. It mentions it in the documentaiton somehwere, too, that you should be able to put \r\n in the "delimiter" and have it sense that as the end of message.
This does not work.
To make it work, you have to download the JSON file and manually put in "\r\n" and then re-import it, at which point the datasource "delimiter" blank shows up blank.
Here's the screen grab of our (working) data source:
Notice: Nothing in the "Delimiter" field.
If I download the JSON for that data source, however, I see this:
"updatePeriodType":"SECONDS", "delimiter":"\r\n", "hex":false,which shows the proper delimiter. This works (btw) so mango is processing the delimiter properly internally, it just doesn't display right in the UI.
"acceptance criteria" would be "The actual delimiter value should be visible in the Delimiter blank, somehow, even of it consists of nonprintable characters"
In the datasource help, attached below as a screen grab, with my highlighting shown, it says " Delimiters are unescaped before sending, so "\r" translates to carrriage return.":
If you put "\n" in that blank, you get this in the JSON:
"updatePeriodType":"MINUTES", "delimiter":"\"\\n\"", "hex":false,If you put \n (no quotes) you get this:
"updatePeriodType":"MINUTES", "delimiter":"\\n", "hex":false,Which seems to mean that the parser expects \\n (not a \n)
The only way I was able to get the TCP data source to store the data using \r\n was to edit the JSON file as above, which seems to work properly. But then the \r\n doesn't show up properly in the "delimiter" blank