Hi psysak,
I think having the importer check to see if the value exists is a possible and not incorrect direction. You should be able to import whatever classes you like and use them however you like. This may be the right time to use a com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.PointValueFacade: https://github.com/infiniteautomation/ma-core-public/blob/main/Core/src/com/serotonin/m2m2/rt/dataImage/PointValueFacade.java
There would be a hacky way of getting that information more available to the CSV importer somewhat simply by adding a point to the data file data source in question, and then updating that point's "Identifier in import document" through a meta point triggered by the new data imported.
var timePoint = JSON.parse(JsonEmport.dataPointQuery("eq(xid,DP_time_informer)"))["dataPoints"][0]
timePoint.pointLocator.fromIdentifier = String( targetPoint.time );
JsonEmport.doImport( JSON.stringify( { "dataPoints": [timePoint] } ));
Then changing the importer with something like...
private long lastImportTime;
public boolean takesPointIdentifiers() {
return true;
public void setIdentifiers(String[] identifiers) {
//super.setIdentifier(identifiers) if you want this.identifiers = identifiers
for(String s : identifiers)
if( !"".equals(s) ) { //Presuming all other identifier fields are empty
lastImportTime = Long.valueOf(s);
It could also be that the best solution is to modify the data file importer to import a digested data set into an alphanumeric point. Say, pick some format to encode the last ten days into an alphanumeric point, and then use a script to digest it farther and check if the value for that day / time already existed.
var valuesList = alphanum.value.split("~"); //5@15~10@20
//iterate valuesList, split the time from the value and set to the end point
for(var k = 0; k < valuesList.length; k+=1) {
var valuePair = valuesList[k].split("@");
output.set( Number(valuePair[0]), Number(valuePair[1]) );
I didn't test any of that, but it should work....
Edit: Also, if using NoSQL this shouldn't be an issue. The date should always resolve to the same millisecond and it should overwrite the previous value at that millisecond.