@thutchis Turn on the Swagger API documentation by setting swagger.enabled=true in your overrides env.properties file. Check that swagger.mangoApiVersion=v[12] too.
You can then access the REST API documentation at /swagger/index.html
Just quickly though-
Get tags for a data point XID:
GET /rest/v2/data-point-tags/{xid}
Set tags for a data point XID:
POST /rest/v2/data-point-tags/{xid}
Body is a JSON object
"tagKey": "tagValue",
"site": "Denver"
To query for data points with a given set of tags:
GET /rest/v2/data-points?tags.site=Denver&tags.device=MachineX
Note there are psuedo-tags device and name which map to the data point's device name and name respectively.