After even further discussion we will be adding the get() function back in. It will work for multistate and binary points to get the StartsAndRuntime object for that state, and it will return a 0 starts, 0 proportion, 0 runtime object for states that did not occur. To check if a state is present in a statistics object, therefore, one can check that (if they feel it is distinct to their scripts' logic) by .past(HOUR, 1).startsAndRuntime[true] == null
Sorry for any inconvenience this caused.
Edit: Here is the example from the JavaScript help internal to Mango,
var stats = b.past(MONTH, 2);
var sar = stats.get(false).proportion; //get the proportion of time in false whether or not false occurred
var stateNotNull = stats.getStartsAndRuntime().containsKey(false); //see if false occurred
and here is the help page's example, https://help.infiniteautomation.com/about-mango-java-script/
return b.past(MONTH, 2).get(false).proportion;