This issue was solved today.
The Exchange 2016 server opened port 25 with TLS.
Tested mail was sent success.
This issue was solved today.
The Exchange 2016 server opened port 25 with TLS.
Tested mail was sent success.
Your help in this issue has been very very useful.
Please suggest me to improve this SMTP issue.
Error Message as below:
Failed to send email titled "Mango test email" to "aji@***.com".
Message: "Mail server connection failed; nested exception is javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLS; nested exception is: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target. Failed messages: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLS; nested exception is: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target"
MangoOS version 3.7.11
Java version jdk-8u311-linux-x64 or openjdk-8-jdk
mail server on MS Exchange Server 2016
TLS Crypt port 587
Use authorization
With my best regards,
Dear support team,
Could you kindly help me to reset password to my store account?
On the security issue, I try to change the password of the store account. after change password and log out. I find both the new password and original password does not work.
I've try the link of "Forgot your password?". I got a new password via mail. But this new password still cannot login.
Dear Phil , thank's ! awesome!
It looks like the version 3.3.x call system function has changed. Is there any documentation for us to refer to? The above getDataPointValueByXID function, how to write it will be more in line with the future standard fucntion call ?
We learned from the Forum that we can use mango core java call to get the datapoint value like this:
function getDataPointValueByXID(xid){
var pvd = this.pvd;
if(!pvd) {
pvd = this.pvd = com.serotonin.m2m2.Common.databaseProxy.newPointValueDao();
var dpid = com.serotonin.m2m2.db.dao.DataPointDao.instance.getDataPoint(xid).getId();
var returnValue = String(pvd.getLatestPointValues(dpid,1)[0].value);
return returnValue;
Is there a way to setDataPointValueByXid(xid) ?
Thank's !
@Jared-Wiltshire Thak you for kindly reply.
I'll recheck the pages HTML <html> or <head> tags.
And try to decrease additional JavaScript.
Fix to load font awesome of same versions in different places.
Hi Phil,
Thank you for kindly reply. The JSON file has sent via mail.
Hey, I try to add more pages to the menu on Mango V3. After adding more than 2 pages on Edit menu.
When I click navigation sidebar menu from new page to default pages. I meet an error "A client error occurred." Both this issue happens in Mango ES and software versions.
Export JSON file for your reference.
[0_1519183815862_export.json](Uploading 100%)
I try to convert the database of MangoES from H2 to mysql as online Knowledge base guide of Database Conversions.
I try to view data in mysql, it have not converted.
Any suggestion?
Hello Phildunlap,
Thanks for kindly reply.
I have disable IPv6 in webmin.
webmin capture
In MangoES system configure page eth0 IPv4 shows ip in IPv6 style.
configure ip capture
@Jenny said:
Dear ALL
I have disable the IPv6 in system setting
But in eth0 IPv4 configure show as picture
Any suggestion?
Dear ALL
I have disable the IPv6 in system setting 
But in eth0 IPv4 configure show as picture 
Any suggestion?
Could you help me know how to set a condition in status or Type when points alerts to send email and sms?
As the picture, in this condition, it will send 652 messages via sms when it enable.
I expect to set a condition in Type to make Point AutoWindowDoorCotroler - Windows1Staus, when it becomes to be value 1, send me alert message via sms.
Hi Joel,
Thank you for kindly reply.
This is work, this solved SNMP issue.
Thank you for kindly help, it's work.
Hi Joel,
I have checked /etc/resolv.conf and the DNS setting is correct.
Hi Joel,
I try to redo upgrade core to 2.6 version. But I'm not sure it's fineshed, cause I see message "sudo: unable to resolve host mango."
Capture as below for your reference.
Hi Joel,
After upgrade to core version 2.6, the modules are unstable. SNMP are still can not connect to the devices.
Any suggestion?
Thank you for kindly reply.
And my device is Modbus RTU over TCP/IP.
Any suggestion?
Have MangoES supported Modbus RTU ?
If this, how can I enable it.