Hi prezemom,
It's not really possible to give a limit in terms of data points, since different configurations will entail wildly different workloads for the Mango server (it is possible to write Meta points that slow everything down a lot, if you try). Generally, though, 5000 points shouldn't pose any problem. As far as HTTP, you can see that parsing 5000 values out of 1 page request is less work than 5000 data sources requesting 5000 pages to get 1 value. I would expect both to work on a fairly modest machine (four cores, 4-8Gb ram). We have many deployments with 20000 or more points, and some significantly larger than that.
Both the H2 and MySQL backends will handle 5000 points no problem. If you get significantly larger you may find reasons to prefer MySQL. The NoSQL database is also nice to have if you're taking in dense data, or lots of it, or if you intend to keep the values at the instance very long (without the NoSQL, you will store the values in a SQL table, which can slow things down over time).