Yes I have got the new 9061 cards and have cut some VB code to control the cards in a multipelx setup. There is an updated driver for the 8055 that works a lot better. I am now using the 8055 as the control port driver and the 8061 to do the read write. seems to work fine. This gives me a set of cards for each location. With a total of 128 i/o ports more that I need. I worked out if I connect everything I will get the about 100.
The next step is to link the cards to the current house system to get an end to end test of a simple function, turn on and off a light.
As to Mango, I downloaded the files and did everything they said to set it up, but it gust will not run so I gave up. I will give it another go when I get the hardware sorted. Maybe by then they will have made it simpler to install.
Regards Laurie