I believe it's this item, as seen here.
Use GUID as the default session cookie name
I believe it's this item, as seen here.
Use GUID as the default session cookie name
After running certbot, it created the certificate and key in the /etc/letsencrypt/live/fqdn.com/ directory, I was able to get it to work with the following nginx configuration:
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name fqdn.com;
root /opt/mango/overrides/web/;
index index.html;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/fqdn.com/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/fqdn.com/privkey.pem;
include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
location / {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
# Inform Mango about the real host, port and protocol
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host:$server_port;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
Here's how I did it.
<!-- Get point values -->
<ma-point-values point-xid="hallsFanInletAirTemp" point="inletAir"></ma-point-values>
<!-- Create a way to manupulate point values to 12 previous hours and update. In this example, I am getting previous 12 hours at a 1 minute average. You only have to do this once -->
<ma-now update-interval="1 minutes" output="to"></ma-now>
<ma-calc input="to | moment:'subtract':12:'hours'" output="from"></ma-calc>
<!-- Manipulate the actual values of the point. This code can be multiplied for as many points as you want -->
<ma-point-values point="inletAir" values="inletAirValues" from="from" to="to" rollup="AVERAGE" rollup-interval="1 minutes">
<!-- Display Chart -->
style="height: 500px; width: 100%"
title: 'Temperature °F',
titleColor: 'black',
Try this to read a point, like the Voltage from your meter. You can get here from the Data Sources page. See my picture below:
Oh, your modbus settings have to match the meter, of course, like the bit rate, parity, etc.
One more thing, you have to turn off the serial data source to do the test, or else i'll throw an error because it's busy.
I don't have any proof as I have not collected any data but I can say the following:
Many months ago, out disk was getting full with a Purge data setting of 4-5 weeks.
Then the disk was starting to get full again, and I reduced that further to a 10 days.
We have not added any additional data points during this time, and the disk is getting full again.
I just realized that the purge settings probably only affect the NoSQL database, but it's the H2 database that is causing us issues.
Can we reset this database cleanly and start again, which I imagine will hold up well for another number of years without trouble. I have instructions for how to delete and restore the database, but that also removes the configuration settings. Is is possible to remove only the data history while keeping the configuration?
What is the difference between core-database and configuration backups anyway?
This script used to work just fine, but is throwing errors every night since 10/16/2019 at the exact time its running 23:59:57.
//Script by Phil Dunlap to automatically generate lost history
if( my.time + 60000 < source.time ) { //We're at least a minute after
var metaEditDwr = new com.serotonin.m2m2.meta.MetaEditDwr();
my.getDataPointWrapper().getId(), my.time+1, CONTEXT.getRuntime(), false);
//Arguments are, dataPointId, long from, long to, boolean deleteExistingData
//my.time+1 because first argument is inclusive, and we have value there
//Your regular script here.*/
return CwConsumed.value-CwConsumed.ago(DAY, 1) //Subtracts this moment's gallons used minus one day ago
Here's the error:
'MetaDataSource': Script error in point "Main Historian - DHW Consumed Daily Count": Expected } but found eof return DhwConsumed.value-DhwConsumed.ago(DAY, 1) //Subtracts this moment's gallons used minus one day ago ^ at line: 12, column: 129Add comment
For some reason, during this particular time period, the data is not syncing.
Data Source:
core 3.34
Data Destination:
Mango Enterprise
core 3.34
Data is sent through Mango Persistent TCP Sync.
Source Prior To Sync:
Destination Prior to Sync:
Log from Source:
INFO 2018-04-20T09:12:02,021 (com.serotonin.m2m2.persistent.pub.PersistentSenderRT.raiseSyncCompletionEvent:301) - Points: 159, sent 773 requests, synced 383631 records, target overcounts: 9, response errors: 0, elapsed time: 1m15s
Source Post Sync (I added more points):
Destination Post Sync:
Oh sorry we are running core core 3.3.4 - MangoES.
Which backup should I restore, NoSQL or SQL. I am guessing SQL, but I know restoring NoSQL could also work, or am I wrong?
I have not tried to restore yet, so there aren't any other problems.
Synchronize history prior to is set at 1 minute.
I've taken a representative sample of points, and checked again today. It looks like all points are affected.
Here's the data again as of today, but with a lot more points.. Well if we cannot resolve this by May 3, it will be purged from the source. It's not the end of the world, but if you are interested in investigating it, it might help you find issues. I don't know if this is a problem on our end either.
Still at source:
Still missing:
select count(*) from pointValues; = 0
mrosu@22historian:~$ du -sh /opt/mango/databases/*
3.2G /opt/mango/databases/mah2.h2.db
4.0K /opt/mango/databases/mah2.lock.db
12K /opt/mango/databases/mah2.trace.db
47M /opt/mango/databases/mangoTSDB
1.2M /opt/mango/databases/mangoTSDBAux
12K /opt/mango/databases/reports
Yep, that did it, thanks!
Thanks Phil, we're back to a very reasonable database size.
@jared-wiltshire Ah I figured out what it is.
I expected the historian GUis to be native on HTTPS, but I forgot I let them be on HTTP...
The other issue is with my HAProxy, which I figured out as well.
What confused me is that I attempted to reach the GUI via HTTPs and thought they were down.