Program devices via ControlCore using Mango as a Modbus Gateway
I am trying to use ControlCore to program devices. See my settings:
However, I get this error:
Control Core is v4.09. The module says it only supports Control Core v 2.7
I assume the module starts up with mango, so there is no need to manually start it. Any suggestions?
Also there are no firewall issues as it's within the same subnet.
It will show up in the Data Source drop down list. You need to add it as a data source and configure the port and serial port. Then you have to disable what ever data source is using the serial port before you enable it. Once you do all that it should work fine. We use it with the latest version of Control Core.
Ah, that's unfortunate, as I cannot disable the modbus data source. It's pulling data from other devices regularly. In that case I will have to manually update the device locally, while it's disconnected from the network.
Thanks Joel.
Only one Data Source can talk on a serial port at a time and you can't mix different protocols on the same RS-485 network at the same time so there isn't really any way to make that work. In most cases you only have to turn off the device polling for a minute or less while you update the program. Your best option might be to run a separate RS-485 network and plug in a USB to RS-485 to your MangoES.
That's not a bad idea. If I ever get a bunch more of these devices, that might be a route worth taking.
Hey Joel,
My first attempt has been to use the same serial network, and turning off the device polling, but no luck:
Control Core Settings:
Mango Settings:
Mango Errors:
CC Error:
Any thoughts?
I have a few things. On the Control Core Data Source it should be 19,200 baud. I would set the Receiving port to 8502.
In Control Core use the TCP/IP Server Gateway rather than the Modbus Gateway. Leave the username and password blank. Make sure no other data sources are enabled using the same serial port and it should work.
Thank you Joel I got it to work.
The only thing I had to change was the Bit rate back to 9600, which is what our modbus network runs at.