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Mango not starting ! Disk is full.
Result with Find size
mango@stensmango:/opt/mango/logs$ sudo find / -size +100M
find:/proc/26770/task/26770/fd/5': No such file or directory find:
/proc/26770/task/26770/fdinfo/5': No such file or directory
find:/proc/26770/fd/5': No such file or directory find:
/proc/26770/fdinfo/5': No such file or directory -
SSH picture
Can you check the output of
df -i
as it may be there are no more inodes. If that is the case that they're 100% utilized, you'll have to find some files (and directories) to delete. They can be any files of any size, but you should of course exercise care.A useful command may be:
#count the number of files and directories in /path/to/dir find /path/to/dir | wc -l
After :
Then I am able to run basic Webmin functions, but what is creating the problem?
I have tried no to run apt-get purge and autoremove but there is nothing to clean out.Now I work with following command.
$ for i in /*; do echo $i; find $i |wc -l; done
This lists the folders and inode number.
and I fount that /var had over 300k nodes
I will dig deeper on where exactly
What is creating the files in /var/spool/exim4/input ??
I have now removed the files in the /var/spool/exim4/input.
Now the resources is back on track, but still what is creating the files?
New files are created all the time.
There two different contents one is:The other has following content:
I have now created an empty log.txt file in the missing mango-backups folder,
lets see if this does the trick... -
I found the bad guy !
A Cron Job create all the files in /var/spool/exim4/input.
When I disable this task, the folder is quiet .
But why is this job there ? and what is it suppose to do?
It was supposed to be constructing a file in /opt/systeminfo/ (I believe, might be /opt/info/ or something like that) which would then be read by a preconfigured ASCII File Data Source for system information like remaining disk space. You can certainly deactivate it without much loss, and you may as well disable the ASCII data source that was preloaded. I will definitely investigate if other MangoES's are having a problem with it creating files in /var/spool/
I used this command straight from the terminal to list inodes and found it easier:
find / -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -n
This issue has happened again, and the same folder caused the problem.
ASCII File Reader has been off for a long time, so that did not prevent the issue from re-occurring.
edit: This is happening on Mango v3, but not on Mango v1 or on an Ubuntu install.