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"users" section displays "Required Module MangoApi is not installed"
I upgrade Mango to 2.6.0. Functions looks fine except when I click on "user" displays ""Required Module MangoApi is not installed"" which costs 50 dollars. When I installed the module in free mode. The "users" section shows blank. Please help.
Try clearing your browser's cache. Thats a mistake on the price for the API module. I'll have that changed but it won't affect anything.
I clear up the cache but it is still the same. Any other suggestion. Thanks !
I would recommend you contact our technical support and do a screen share so we can investigate it first hand. Email
I can contact your support later. I do a simple test by downloading version 2.6.0 core with MangoAPI from your web site only. Start up Mango with default setup. I got the "users" blank as well. I am running Java version 1.7.0_25.
. Do you think this problem relates to java version ? Thanks !
We recommend java 8 now but java 7 should be fine. Can you do a test with all the standard modules installed. It may be there is a dependency on something else. You can get the full install here:
I downloaded the full version 2.6 of Mango. I could see the "users" section not blank. When I removed some modules, "users" section was blank again. I finally found that I have to install the dashborads module to make the "user" section appear again. Dashboard module is must to make it work.
Ok thanks, that makes sense. The dashboards module contains a lot of new JavaScript that we are using on the new HTM5 pages. The users section in Mango 2.6 has been redeveloped in HTML5 and uses JavaScript from the dashboards module. Thanks.