I would recommend you to create a dashboard with the Dashboard designer, so you can show the chart like you want. Check this link
I would recommend you to create a dashboard with the Dashboard designer, so you can show the chart like you want. Check this link
I've tested in a local Mango 3.7.1, with Safari, in my iPhone, and it is working fine. What I see is that, when you enter the first time, you will get redirected to the login page, but it still says that you already logged in. But then, if you try again, you get redirected to the correct page. I think this problem was solved in later versions.
Hey @mattfox,
Yes, you can add custom login page. Probably, you will need to create a custom AngularJS component, depending on how much you want to customize it. Here is an example:
<div class="login-container" flex="100" layout="row" layout-wrap>
<div flex="100" flex-gt-sm="50">
<img class="rc-login-img" src="/rest/v2/file-stores/public/img/school-login.jpg" alt="Login">
<div flex="100" flex-gt-sm="50" layout="row" layout-wrap layout-align="center center" md-colors="::{background: 'blue-800'}">
<div flex="100" layout="row" layout-wrap layout-align="center center">
<img class="mt-10" src="../../resources/svg/logo.svg" alt="Logo" height="70">
<div flex="100" class="mt-10" layout="row" layout-wrap layout-align="center center">
<md-card flex="100" flex-gt-sm="60" flex-gt-md="50">
<span class="md-headline">Login</span>
<md-card-content layout="column">
<ma-login on-success="$ctrl.onSuccess($user, $state)">
<ma-logged-in class="already-logged-in" ng-if="$ctrl.User.current && $ctrl.User.current.username !== 'guest'">
<span ma-tr="login.aleadyLoggedIn" ma-tr-args="[$ctrl.User.current.username]"></span>
<a ui-sref="actions">Go to Action Submission</a>
<a ui-sref="customRegister" tabindex="5" ma-tr="login.emailVerification.registerUser"></a>
<a ui-sref="forgotPassword({username: username})" tabindex="4" ma-tr="login.forgotYourPassword"></a>
define(['angular', 'require'], function(angular, require) {
'use strict';
customLogin.$inject = ['maUser', '$injector'];
function customLogin(maUser, $injector) {
this.maUiLoginRedirector = $injector.has('maUiLoginRedirector') && $injector.get('maUiLoginRedirector');
this.onSuccess = (user, state) => {
if (state.params.redirectTo) {
state.go(state.params.redirectTo, JSON.parse(state.params.withParams));
} else {
return this.maUiLoginRedirector.redirect(user);
return {
bindings: {
controller: customLogin,
templateUrl: require.toUrl('./login.html')
You need to create a custom route for this component in the User Module:
function(angular, require, customLogin) {
'use strict';
var dukeEnergyModule = angular.module('dukeEnergyModule', ['maUiApp'])
.component('customLogin', customLogin)
dukeEnergyModule.config(['maUiMenuProvider', function(maUiMenuProvider) {
name: 'customLogin',
url: '/user-login?redirectTo=&withParams=',
template: '<custom-login></custom-login>',
menuIcon: 'fa-certificate',
menuText: 'Login',
weight: 100,
menuHidden: true,
params: {
noPadding: false,
hideFooter: false,
Finally, you need to add this url in administration > System setting > UI module settings
If you need more details, I will be happy to help
Can you explain a little bit more about what do you want to accomplish? Can you share the script?
Hi @BG,
You can change the point values limit in Administration > UI settings. But be careful with this one, your browser could crash if you have large amounts of data in the chart. Also, you can find more information about rollups in:
Hope this helps you,
Hi @jbriggs
I've tested your code following the documentation and I think that you missed something. Check this piece of code:
<ma-watch-list-parameters id="3ee223f4-823a-4951-937d-b571ccaa4d61" watch-list="designer.watchList" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; left: 0px; top: 0px;" ng-model="designer.parameters" ng-change="updateParams = designer.parameters"></ma-watch-list-parameters>
The ma-watch-list-parameters does not get updated because you don't have ng-change="updateParams = designer.parameters".
Be careful when you drag & drop this component beacuse this one does not have ng-change, so you have to update it by yourself.
I hope that this helps you