Watchlist chart size
Is it possible to somehow make the chart area bigger by dragging these other parts out?
I want to have a chart like the watchlist but I want to be able to make it most of the screen.
How do I go about that? -
I would recommend you to create a dashboard with the Dashboard designer, so you can show the chart like you want. Check this link
Ok. Yeah I saw these but they look like they're more for dashboard or data that we know that we want to see ahead of time.
I need a page which can just be a generic chart that an operator can get into and select whatever combination of trends they need to look at in order to interrogate the process.Pretty much exactly what the watchlist page is, I'd just like the option to make that chart at the bottom take up more of the screen as there's currently a bit of lost real estate.
Can I modify the standard watch list page so that it's possible to drag the chart out?My apologies for the questions it's just my web/html skills at the moment are "<h1> Hello World </h1>" at best.