If the software is used on a mixed protocol network, can it repackage modbus to bacnet?
Please Note This forum exists for community support for the Mango product family and the Radix IoT Platform. Although Radix IoT employees participate in this forum from time to time, there is no guarantee of a response to anything posted here, nor can Radix IoT, LLC guarantee the accuracy of any information expressed or conveyed. Specific project questions from customers with active support contracts are asked to send requests to support@radixiot.com.
Posts made by bwmasterson
Can Mango publish cross protocol?
RE: Unable to add bacnet points in demo
In addition I sent you question about volume licensing for software only to your email address
RE: Unable to add bacnet points in demo
As always, thank you for the fast response Joel. When I go to the add data sources page, the mango you are reports a server error and a licensing issue. I created an additional account with a new email address and installed a a clean copy of the software. Still reports server error when I try to add data sources
I do see modbus is available to add data points but bacnet is not in the drop-down menu. Perhaps I have not added the modules correctly? -
Unable to add bacnet points in demo
Can anyone tell me how to enable 3 bacnet points in demo mode? Before the 3. Upgrade it was simple or I could purchase the bacnet module 4 $50.
Error in UI
I am doing a demo installation using the free license and I keep getting and error. Url redirects to http://.../ui/server-error and the screen shows....
Any thoughts?
This occurs when I try to add data sources through the new UI. -
RE: mango jesse repo not working
@mihairosu Just disable it in sources.list on your hardware. Phil has said they wont be servicing from this repo anymore.
comment out the linesomeuser@mangoES1234:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian jessie main contrib non-free deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian jessie main contrib non-free deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security jessie/updates main contrib non-$ deb-src http://security.debian.org/debian-security jessie/updates main contrib $ //add # before the next line #deb http://mangoautomation.net:9902/Applications/apt/debian/ jessie main contr$ #deb .... #deb....
RE: mango jesse repo not working
Ok. So I will comment it out of the repo sources.list until you publish otherwise? Easy enough. Thank you, Phil.
mango jesse repo not working
Was there an alternate distro repo setup? mangoautomation:9902 is no longer valid?
RE: Display not detected. No hardware specifics
@Jared-Wiltshire My apologies. I thought I was continuing a discussion with Phil concerning the new UI. I will, of course, post in the appropriate place in the future. Thank you.
BTW, the new interface is amazing. I never thought I would be a fan of angularjs but you have sold me.
I also found the scroll bar after adjusting my resolution. My hardware and not the software.
RE: Display not detected. No hardware specifics
I have found two issues with the dashboard designer that are pretty minor. CSS fixes are likely the solution.
When assigning the XID to a point source for any html object the dropdown list is too narrow to display usable name data. I have to cut and paste from a second screen.
while designing in dashboard the visual port for graphical design window doesn't have a horiz scroll bar.
Which css file assigns these features and I will modify them? is there an overrides folder for it?
RE: Display not detected. No hardware specifics
OK. I understand now. The pages you're referring to are the legacy Mango interface... the dropdowns on those pages. If I understand correctly, these are the pages generated by .jsp and use Dojo as they are pre-AngJS..
No problems at all.. pages respond well, drop downs populate quickly, allow selection and redirect based on selection.
For historical reference, I am using:
ii lightdm 1.10.3-3 ii lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.8.5-2 ii task-desktop 3.31+deb8u1 ii task-xfce-desktop 3.31+deb8u1 ii tasksel 3.31+deb8u1 ii tasksel-data 3.31+deb8u1 ii xfce4 4.10.1 all ii iceweasel 52.2.0esr-1~ all
I omitted a bulk of the output from
dpkg-query -l
but I am happy to send it.
RE: Display not detected. No hardware specifics
@phildunlap I haven't been far enough into it to publish a dashboard with dropdowns. I am using a simple heads up display for onsite personnel. I am starting on the facility manager's home screen now so I might have some insight later next week. Can you describe the issue?
...menu lists weren't populating? selectively populating? wouldn't populate fully?
....wouldn't trigger on hover/mouseover?mousedown?I will watch for it if you can describe it.
RE: Display not detected. No hardware specifics
Also, I have been testing GUI performance using the Iceweasel(MozFirefox for arm7) browser... no limitations so far. I will let you know when the Dashboards are complete.
RE: Display not detected. No hardware specifics
Great reference for customizing the boot.ini to accomodate various resolutions
refresh, etc..Monitor config parameters in the boot.ini
http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:xu4_hdmiphy_configurationVery current minimal odroid img
***I have only rescue booted from SD with this img... and then returned my mangoES to factory settings by restoring the eMMC. -
RE: Display not detected. No hardware specifics
Ok, Phil.
Here is a copy of my boot.ini after repair.setenv initrd_high "0xffffffff" setenv fdt_high "0xffffffff" setenv macaddr "00:1e:06:61:7a:39" setenv bootrootfs "console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 ro$ setenv bootcmd "fatload mmc 0:1 0x40008000 zImage; fatload mmc 0:1 0x42000000 u$ setenv videoconfig "drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=edid/E2211_21_16-9.bin" setenv bootargs "${bootrootfs} ${videoconfig} smsc95xx.macaddr=${macaddr}" boot
EDID Database https://gitlab.com/corossig/edid-database
Download and install in "/usr/lib/firmware/edid/"
$ cd /usr/lib/firmware/edid/ ~/usr/lib/firmware/edid/$ wget "https://gitlab.com/corossig/edid-database/blob/master/E2211_21_16-9.bin" ~/usr/lib/firmware/edid/$ cd /media/boot/ ~/media/boot/$ ls boot.ini boot.scrbak exynos5422-odroidxu3.dtb uInitrd boot.scr boot.txt System Volume Information zImage //**backup boot.ini and boot.scr**// ~/media/boot/$ sudo cp boot.ini boot.inibak ~/media/boot/$ sudo cp boot.scr boot.scrbak //**edit boot.ini using E2211-21_16-9.bin**// ~/media/boot/$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -d boot.ini boot.scr
RE: Display not detected. No hardware specifics
Let me know if you try booting an ES without the .scr file. I read that it works but haven't had time to try it. The benefit is that any edits (even incorrect ones) wouldn't require the mkfile prior to boot and would omit a crucial and fatal mistake by field techs.
In addition, I found two sources that might be of use.
A generic kms helper file that expands the default resolutions to virtually any display rather a defined resolution. I don't believe that there are any licensing concerns.
After trying multiple bootabe images for a recovery sd card... I found a very basic core image construct that worked perfectly. It allowed me to mount the eMMC partition and edit->make the boot.scr.
I am happy to share links if you feel its appropriate or I can email them to you for review prior to making them available. I don't want to create a possible security concern on someone else's machine and I am not a Linux expert; just a deployment/ commissioning tech.
RE: Display not detected. No hardware specifics
@phildunlap I actually solved everything. It was the helper line in the boot.scr and my lack of experience with the arm architecture. After reading the source material you provided and building a platform from the ground up on a similar device I was able to recover the eMMC in place. Thank you.
16:9 ratio screen works well now and I am exploring different browser solutions to avoid the firefox issues discussed. I feel that I created most of the problems thru inexperience and frustration but I am happy to share any details on the recovery. I am sure others will not have a similar experience.
One question, if I may? Why use the boot.scr instead of just a boot.ini? The literature I read says that the .scr isn't necessary with the XU4 as it can build/load from the .ini file when no .scr is present.
The entire boot mechanism is foreign to me and I have had no call to use the mkfile command before. My failure came from editing the .scr directly without "remaking" it. I tried after the boot.ini changes weren't propagated and I caused the boot failure which is quite a problem to overcome. Is it a legacy carryover due to the hardware update? Just curious.netboot capability for recovery would be a great addition but I know you guys work very hard on the product to ensure quality. Just a suggestion. Maybe I will work on that at a future date and send you anything interesting.
Thank you for your expertise, supplied tech input and help!
RE: Display not detected. No hardware specifics
Phil, apparently I have a corrupt boot,scr file? I have been thru the XU4 forums top to bottom. I attempted to use an sd to rescue boot it and then access the eMMC but no joy. Is there a "hardware key" feature built into the MangoES expansion board? I have solved the display problem but now my tinkering may have caused a new problem. Can I buy a factory eMMC 8GB and field install.
You have my apologies and I chalk this all up now to my inexperience with the XU4 hardware. I have everything else under control. Thanks for the assistance.
RE: Is there a method for rescue booting the mangoES
Thanks, again, for the assistance Phil. I found that article and had been putting off trying that method. I will get on it right away. Have you had any success with using a netboot feature set. I may try to install one once I get it bootable again.
Thank you