I'd like to share here how to get Mango datapoints published on pachube.com. You could want to do so if you want to share some data feed with the world on this common datastream excange platform, or maybe you would like to be able to view datapoint charts in the pachube iPhone/Android app.
You can create a free account at pachube. You will get an API key after creating your account.
The pachube api normally works with http PUT to update data feeds and requires the api key to be put in a custom http header; that won't work with the Mango publisher. Luckily it is still possible to do it differently, but it is a bit hard to derive that from the documentation. Here's how to do it.
In the Mango publisher:
-choose the POST method.
-For feed number 0 in your stream number 1234, choose URL:
-Add the Mango point that you'd like to publish. Use parameter name "data". Don't add the timestamp.
That's it.