Fail to receive email from mango
Hi there
I tried to send email from Mango to my email account using (sent test email) button at the administrator>users. I got the massage from Mango that the test email was sent. However, I received nothing when open my email account. Can you advise me on this matter
best regards
Ramhuzaini -
Hi Ramhuzani
I see how that message can be misleading. You will need to look in your ma.log file to see what error you are getting.
If you go to system settings --> email settings you can confirm your SMTP server setting and test it from there. Then have a look at your ma.log file to see if it is an authentication failure or host failer etc.
Note that it will send a test email to the email address of the user logged in. So you will need to make sure your user has an email address.