Version 2.6 - Brewers Dashboard License shutting down Mango
Hello all,
I have upgraded from a working 2.6 beta version to the 2.6 production version and am now encountering a problem. We have the Enterprise license and Mango is running on a Centos 6.7 web server.After upgrading, the Brewers Dashboard module has warned me that the module is running in free mode and will shut down in 8 hours. I at first assumed the module would cease to function in 8 hours and thought that was fine because I am not using the module. However, it shut down the entire Mango service over night. I could not restart Mango in the morning and I found these lines in the log file:
INFO 2015-10-26 20:37:42,385 (com.infiniteautomation.brewersdashboard.license.BrewersDashboardTimeoutAction.onExpire:18) - Shutting down Mango due to Brewers Dashboard Module License Expiry Time
INFO 2015-10-26 20:37:52,528 (com.serotonin.m2m2.Lifecycle.terminate:329) - Mango Lifecycle terminating...
INFO 2015-10-26 20:38:00,882 (com.serotonin.m2m2.db.BasePooledProxy.terminateImpl:110) - Stopping database
INFO 2015-10-26 20:38:00,887 (com.serotonin.m2m2.Lifecycle.terminate:431) - Mango Lifecycle terminated.
INFO 2015-10-26 20:38:00,889 (com.serotonin.m2m2.Lifecycle.terminate:329) - Mango Lifecycle terminating...After several fiddles such as rstarting the server, checking the run levels and restarting the Mango service and manually deleting the Brewers Dashboard module from the web folder, I managed to get Mango running again. I put the dashboard folder back in and then went into the modules list on Mango and set the Brewers Dashboard for removal as that is the reccommended way to delete modules. I started the Mango instance and can see that the Brewers Dashboard has been removed from my list.
Now the mango service seems to be starting properly again but now I see a different alarm from the Brewers Dashboard:
Is anyone else seeing this? Any suggestions on clearing this would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. Is the license fee for the Brewers Dashboard new?
Hey Brian,
I have a feeling that alarm is a old one from when you had the Brewers Dashboard installed. Try clearing all your alarms and then restarting. This is the expected behavior so you should not install the brewers dashboard unless you have a license for it and plan on making a lot of beer.
Hello Joel,
Thank you, that is indeed the case it seems.
Thank you and your team for all the work on the production version. I have already shown this to some of our customers with favourable responses.p.s. I am only a consumer of beer and will leave the production to the experts... lol