Temperature/Humidity device configuration
I need help with configuration of DataPoint:The device I'm using has 2 registers:
- Temperature
- Humidity
I finnally found a configuration to retrieve humidity values:
--> Modbus Serial --> New Data Point:
Register Range: Holding Register
Modbus Data Type: 8 Byte Unsigned Integer
Offset: 0
Bit: (disabled)
Settable: Uncheked
Multiplier: 0.1
Additive: 0But I can't found a configuration to retrieve temperature. I tried too many combinations without success.
Well, how do I configure the datapoint to retrieve different Holding Registers values?
The device manual you can found here:
Thank you!
Marcelo Amorim Ferreira
Hi Marcelo,
On the point setting there is a value called: Offset (0-based) this is where you put in the holding register for the value you want to read.
I don't read Portuguese so I'm not sure of the registers you want to read but it looks like it is all on the list. I would also check to make sure it really is a 8 byte register. In the temperature and humidity devices I use it's always just 2 bytes.
Hope this helps,
Joel. -
you're right!2 bytes works for me. Offset was'nt working because I was selecting 4 or 8 bytes.
Now I got things working here.Thank you and best regards!
Marcelo Amorim Ferreira
[<O>] Brazil