Filter behaviour and ma-data-point-selector
The filter behaviour in the Data Sources > Data Points list is excellent. Primarily, it is case insensitive and has an implied glob. I would like to suggest that it is applied to the data point details page's data point selector also.
I would also like to add this filter behaviour to my own pages that use ma-data-point-selector, any advice on how to go about this would be appreciated.
ma-data-point-selector is an great component and I really like using it in my own pages, could we please get some documentation? Up to now I've gone off guesses and page inspections.
@cbyrne there is their dashboard repo on git that you can use as a starting point.
Alternatively, I could likely get something together for you over the next week...Fox
The Data Sources > Data Points just use angularJs $filter directive. You will not be able to override the ma-data-point-selector to behave the same as it already has its own filter in it. It just works differently. You need to be more precise with wild cards:
if you have a point name : foobarfoo and you want to filter by "bar" you would need to use*bar*
This was built to be able to produce "high resolution" filters to be able to bulk edit points or add to publishers.
For your custom dashboards I would suggest using the
<ma-filtering-point-list ng-model="maFilteringPointListModel" get-by-xid="true" ></ma-filtering-point-list>
I think it would be more suitable for dashboards as it has a more general filter and works the same as the data source -> datapoint details page. you can add custom queries, client side filtering on those quries, label ect and it has API docs and examples:
/ui/docs/ng-mango/ma-filtering-point-listThe <ma-datapoint-selector> does not have documentation yet but you can view its on
@CraigWeb Hi Craig, thanks for the info! My only issue with the filtering point list is that I want to allow the user to select multiple points. I would still suggest that the same filter from Data Sources > Data Points list is applied to all instances of data-point-selector. It might sound silly, but the concepts of wildcards and case sensitivity is a bit much for our end users.
Ye, I hear what you saying but the component was designed to enable highly accurate filters and we can't lose that. it's needed in the bulk editor and other pages. Maybe adding 2 different filter modes would be helpful to use in general dashboards.