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Data Point Value
A question about Point Value type,
How to save object type likenewValue = {"Name":"CardName_A02","Rack":"CardNo_A02","Label":"A","idx":2}
into datapoint ?
I use
but in Point's value is null
How do I do to save object type value in datapoint? -
If you wish to save a string, make sure your point is an alphanumeric value. Secondly, ensure your data is a string and not an object.
Thirdly, if this is in a script the method is set() not setValue. The dashboard is setValue()
Fox -
@mattfox I just want save object in value or value can't be object?
Code is this<div ng-init="rackList = [ {'Name': 'CardName_A01', 'Rack': 'CardNo_A01', 'Label': 'A', 'idx': 1}, {'Name': 'CardName_A02', 'Rack': 'CardNo_A02', 'Label': 'A', 'idx': 2}, {'Name': 'CardName_A03', 'Rack':'CardNo_A03', 'Label': 'A', 'idx': 3}, {'Name': 'CardName_A04', 'Rack': 'CardNo_A04', 'Label': 'A', 'idx': 4}, {'Name': 'CardName_A05', 'Rack': 'CardNo_A05', 'Label': 'A', 'idx': 5}, {'Name': 'CardName_A06', 'Rack': 'CardNo_A06', 'Label': 'A', 'idx': 6}, {'Name': 'CardName_A07', 'Rack': 'CardNo_A07', 'Label': 'A', 'idx': 7}, {'Name': 'CardName_A08', 'Rack':'CardNo_A08', 'Label': 'A', 'idx': 8}, {'Name': 'CardName_A09', 'Rack': 'CardNo_A09', 'Label': 'A', 'idx': 9}, {'Name': 'CardName_A10', 'Rack': 'CardNo_A10', 'Label': 'A', 'idx': 10}, {'Name': 'CardName_B01', 'Rack': 'CardNo_B01', 'Label': 'B', 'idx': 1}, {'Name': 'CardName_B02', 'Rack': 'CardNo_B02', 'Label': 'B', 'idx': 2}, {'Name': 'CardName_B03', 'Rack':'CardNo_B03', 'Label': 'B', 'idx': 3}, {'Name': 'CardName_B04', 'Rack': 'CardNo_B04', 'Label': 'B', 'idx': 4}, {'Name': 'CardName_B05', 'Rack': 'CardNo_B05', 'Label': 'B', 'idx': 5}, {'Name': 'CardName_B06', 'Rack': 'CardNo_B06', 'Label': 'B', 'idx': 6}, {'Name': 'CardName_B07', 'Rack': 'CardNo_B07', 'Label': 'B', 'idx': 7}, {'Name': 'CardName_B08', 'Rack':'CardNo_B08', 'Label': 'B', 'idx': 8}, {'Name': 'CardName_B09', 'Rack': 'CardNo_B09', 'Label': 'B', 'idx': 9}, {'Name': 'CardName_B10', 'Rack': 'CardNo_B10', 'Label': 'B', 'idx': 10}, {'Name': 'CardName_C01', 'Rack': 'CardNo_C01', 'Label': 'C', 'idx': 1}, {'Name': 'CardName_C02', 'Rack': 'CardNo_C02', 'Label': 'C', 'idx': 2}, {'Name': 'CardName_C03', 'Rack':'CardNo_C03', 'Label': 'C', 'idx': 3}, {'Name': 'CardName_C04', 'Rack': 'CardNo_C04', 'Label': 'C', 'idx': 4}, {'Name': 'CardName_C05', 'Rack': 'CardNo_C05', 'Label': 'C', 'idx': 5}, {'Name': 'CardName_C06', 'Rack': 'CardNo_C06', 'Label': 'C', 'idx': 6}, {'Name': 'CardName_C07', 'Rack': 'CardNo_C07', 'Label': 'C', 'idx': 7}, {'Name': 'CardName_C08', 'Rack':'CardNo_C08', 'Label': 'C', 'idx': 8}, {'Name': 'CardName_C09', 'Rack': 'CardNo_C09', 'Label': 'C', 'idx': 9}, {'Name': 'CardName_C10', 'Rack': 'CardNo_C10', 'Label': 'C', 'idx': 10}, {'Name': 'CardName_D01', 'Rack': 'CardNo_D01', 'Label': 'D', 'idx': 1}, {'Name': 'CardName_D02', 'Rack': 'CardNo_D02', 'Label': 'D', 'idx': 2}, {'Name': 'CardName_D03', 'Rack':'CardNo_D03', 'Label': 'D', 'idx': 3}, {'Name': 'CardName_D04', 'Rack': 'CardNo_D04', 'Label': 'D', 'idx': 4}, {'Name': 'CardName_D05', 'Rack': 'CardNo_D05', 'Label': 'D', 'idx': 5}, {'Name': 'CardName_D06', 'Rack': 'CardNo_D06', 'Label': 'D', 'idx': 6}, {'Name': 'CardName_D07', 'Rack': 'CardNo_D07', 'Label': 'D', 'idx': 7}, {'Name': 'CardName_D08', 'Rack':'CardNo_D08', 'Label': 'D', 'idx': 8}, {'Name': 'CardName_D09', 'Rack': 'CardNo_D09', 'Label': 'D', 'idx': 9}, {'Name': 'CardName_D10', 'Rack': 'CardNo_D10', 'Label': 'D', 'idx': 10}, {'Name': 'CardName_E01', 'Rack': 'CardNo_E01', 'Label': 'E', 'idx': 1}, {'Name': 'CardName_E02', 'Rack': 'CardNo_E02', 'Label': 'E', 'idx': 2}, {'Name': 'CardName_E03', 'Rack':'CardNo_E03', 'Label': 'E', 'idx': 3}, {'Name': 'CardName_E04', 'Rack': 'CardNo_E04', 'Label': 'E', 'idx': 4} ]"></div> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="XID_cardControllerLastRack" point="LastRackSelect"></ma-get-point-value> <div ng-init="pointName.Rack = LastRackSelect.value"></div> <ma-point-query query="{$and: true,name:pointName.Rack,deviceName: 'RackAccessSystem'}" sort="'name'" points="points"></ma-point-query> <ma-point-query query="{$and: true,name:pointName.Name,deviceName: 'RackAccessSystem'}" sort="'name'" points="names"></ma-point-query> <ma-get-point-value points="points"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value points="names"></ma-get-point-value> <form layout-gt-sm="row" name="Form"> <md-input-container flex="" id="cardedit"> <label>select Item</label> <md-select class="select-block" ng-model="pointName" ng-change="LastRackSelect.setValue(pointName)" ng-model-options="{getterSetter:true}"> <md-option ng-repeat="Rack in rackList" ng-value="Rack">{{Rack.Name | limitTo:3:9}}</md-option> </md-select> </md-input-container> </form>
I want to save select
object to save in datapointXID_cardControllerLastRack
when nexttime into this page can loadXID_cardControllerLastRack
value to use default select ng-model -
No thats not how the system works. If you want to save it, use JSON.stringify(obj) and then save that. That will allow you (mostly) to store the object as a string.
Then you can get the object back using JSON.parse(string)
@sean if what you are trying to do does not need a time series history then I believe the JSON store is better suited for this. The JSON store is there to be used for static data. There is a limit on the size of the string that can be stored as a value.
I am with Craig now that I can see what you are trying to do. The rackspaces can be defined in a json store like he says and then pulled with a