I want to use MySQL database for point values storage, in the SQL table have see a pointValues table, how do I use the table to record point values, how do I do it?
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Latest posts made by sean
How to use MySQL store pointvalues ?
Mango crash after nightly purge
When nightly purge or manual click Button "Purge now using purge settings" , system will high cpu used and mango not finished purge, just crash machine, snapshot
Mango version is 3.7.12
Watchlist User Permissions
I create a user permission account how to set this user in watchlist select sources tabs can see datasource
how to get PermissionHolder ?
I want use metaDataPoint to delete data point by script,
in DataPointService.delete function need PermissionHolder, how do I got it ?
[jdk.dynalink.beans.SimpleDynamicMethod DataPointVO com.infiniteautomation.mango.spring.service.DataPointService.delete(String,PermissionHolder)] -
How to query Value?
I got a question, code like this
<md-input-container class="flex-auto" md-theme="default"> <label>Card Number</label> <input type="text" ng-model="logQuery.mifareCardID" ng-model-options="{ debounce: 300 }"> </md-input-container> <div flex></div> <md-input-container class="md-input-has-value flex-auto" md-theme="default"> <label for="StartTime">Start Time</label> <ma-date-picker type="text" ng-click="showPicker($event)" name="startTime" ng-model="logQuery.startTime" mode="date" id="StartTime" aria-invalid="false" md-theme="mangoDark"> </md-input-container> <md-input-container class="md-input-has-value flex-auto" md-theme="default" ng-if="logQuery.startTime"> <label for="EndTime">End Time</label> <ma-date-picker type="text" ng-click="showPicker($event)" name="endTime" ng-model="logQuery.endTime" mode="date" id="EndTime" aria-invalid="false" md-theme="mangoDark"> </md-input-container> <ma-now update-interval="1 SECONDS" output="time"></ma-now> <ma-point-query query="{$and: true, xid: '_Polling_accessCardID'}" points="doorAccessRecordPoints" /> <ma-get-point-value points="doorAccessRecordPoints"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-point-values points="doorAccessRecordPoints" values="doorAccessRecordPointsValues" from="resultLogQuery.startTime || dateBar.from" to="resultLogQuery.endTime || dateBar.to" rollup="POINT_DEFAULT" rollup-interval="time" use-cache="false"></ma-point-values>
doorAccessRecordPointsValues like this:
[ {"timestamp":1701400999162,"value_XID_Door02_Polling_accessCardID":2022010448}, {"timestamp":1701401016165,"value_XID_Door01_Polling_accessCardID":2022011364}, {"timestamp":1701401021166,"value_XID_Door05_Polling_accessCardID":2022012507}, {"timestamp":1701401065166,"value_XID_Door05_Polling_accessCardID":2022013115}, {"timestamp":1701401083162,"value_XID_Door04_Polling_accessCardID":2022010273}, {"timestamp":1701401085162,"value_XID_Door04_Polling_accessCardID":2022013232}, {"timestamp":1701401132166,"value_XID_Door05_Polling_accessCardID":2022010170}, {"timestamp":1701401179162,"value_XID_Door03_Polling_accessCardID":2022012796}, ]
I want to query value from use logQuery.mifareCardID to query doorAccessRecordPointsValues value is equal to logQuery.mifareCardID,
how do I do ? -
Quest About Restful API
I have question about use mango restful api,
my mango host:,
how do I post a file to the file-store, When I use Postman, post a file, response 403 error,
mango version: 3.7.12
img -
RE: point set timestamp
@CraigWeb mango version is 3.7.12
this datapoint is temperature sensor point so, recorde is normaly 2x °C
so 4376.54 and 459.62 is incorrect, so I want to reset value or delete this 2 values in timestamp[PointValueTime(22.6@2023/05/24 13:30:12.836), PointValueTime(4376.54@2023/05/24 13:35:12.836), PointValueTime(459.62@2023/05/24 13:40:12.836), PointValueTime(22.8@2023/05/24 13:45:12.836), PointValueTime(22.886666666666667@2023/05/24 13:50:12.836)]
time = 1684906212836 , point= PointValueTime(22.6@2023/05/24 13:30:12.836)
time = 1684906512836 , point= PointValueTime(4376.54@2023/05/24 13:35:12.836)
time = 1684906812836 , point= PointValueTime(459.62@2023/05/24 13:40:12.836)
time = 1684907112836 , point= PointValueTime(22.8@2023/05/24 13:45:12.836)
time = 1684907412836 , point= PointValueTime(22.886666666666667@2023/05/24 13:50:12.836) -
RE: point set timestamp
@terrypacker I have already executed in the formal meta-data-point environment, but the values of those two points are still incorrect and have not been correctly modified to the specified values I entered. How do I do to change that two point values in timestamp?