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Here is a simple questions for all you geniuses. After installation I used the program for a bit the Mac restarted and now i can't log in. Its like nothing works, so before i go reinstalling it again. Is there a check I can do or something that show me were the program resides. Thanks for your help...
You probably just need to go into the bin folder in the Mango directory and run one of the startup scripts. The program resides wherever you unzipped the files.
OK. I found what you are talking about. I was reading some Mac lingo on how to start it but i am not able to push passes the password part. Nothing out on the web really makes it easy for me to incorporate in the TERMINAL.
Here is what it said when I run the script.*****'adrians-Mac-mini:~ APV$ /Users/APV/Downloads/MangoAutomation\ /bin/ start
MA_HOME is /Users/APV/Downloads/MangoAutomation
adrians-Mac-mini:~ APV$ /Users/APV/Downloads/MangoAutomation /bin/ line 93: /Users/APV/Downloads/MangoAutomation /logs/ma-script.log: Permission denied
/Users/APV/Downloads/MangoAutomation /bin/ line 100: /Users/APV/Downloads/MangoAutomation /logs/ma-script.log: Permission denied
ma-start: MA started with Process ID: 8990
log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.
Is there a way to write a code under the MA-START.SH to automatically enter the password for me each time I need to restart the script. ( Just in case) ?
Again, i don't know much about the MAC world, but i am trying.
Thanks for your help.
You need to run the command as sudo. "sudo ./ start"
This may help more:
You are that man! It asked for my password after I enetered "sudo ./ start"...
Another fine JOB JOEL...