Thanks. I was able to export the data points and edit them in Excel. The only issue I have is that the textrender format defaults to 0 so I lost all the decimal points but I think this is an issue with Excel loading the CSV because if I save it and load into Mango, it sets the correct format. Reload the same file and bingo, values are all 0 again.
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Posts made by v8dave
RE: Data not showing when user selects the page
Data not showing when user selects the page
If I log in as admin, the data is visible but if I log in as user, there is no data. In the datasource datapoints, the dataSourcEditRoles is set to superadmin. Should this not be user?
Which setting do I need for the user to be able to read the data? Is it in the readPermissions or should that default to blank?
How do change text colour based on data update?
I want to change an indicate or text colour based on the data being out of date. The data on the system arrives every 15 seconds so I'd like the flag it when there is no data for, say 60 seconds?
Or how to create an LED indicator type display for the same thing?
How to do this?
RE: Can't get transform rotate() to work
This is the error from the console.
mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=f41ab677f738e8ffe5b8:39 Error: <g> attribute transform: Expected number, "rotate()".
Can't get transform rotate() to work
I found some code that Jared had posted previously for a 360 deg component and I am trying to get it to work but the value is not being shown.
I am using the following to get the wind direction from the watch list.
<ma-calc input="designer.points | filter:{name:'Wind Direction'}:true | maFirst" output="myDirection"></ma-calc>
And then using this in the code for the display but the heading remains at 0.
<g class="direction-cones" transform="rotate(-90)"> <g id="north" transform="rotate({{myDirection.value}})"> <circle class="scale-1" r="100"></circle> <circle class="scale-2" r="100"></circle> </g> </g>
What am I doing wrong here?
RE: How to create data points to handle MQTT from multiple devices?
@jared-wiltshire That works for me as I only have about 20 data points per device. By using the device ID as part of the XID, and the topic, this means a simple find and replace in Excel and then save and import works.
How to create data points to handle MQTT from multiple devices?
Here is my setup.
I have 7 devices in the field that send data via GPRS to a server running an MQTT broker (Mosquitto). Each device sends a topic with the device identification and then the sensor reading, eg device01/pressure and the payload contains the value. Every device sends the data values and only the device ID is different for each unit.
I am trying to work out the best way to create the data points in Mango and handle this with a drop-down selection to select each device so that the data on the screen switches to that device. I will also have an overview display for all the important sensors that will navigate to the more detailed view.
I was thinking to create a single data point for a device and then export this to see the Excel format and then create a PC programme to generate this same format as an Excel file and then import this into Mango or is there an easier way? I could simply edit the Excel by hand but this is prone to errors. A simple software program would allow just the device ID to be input.
What is the best way to create these data points in mango so that adding a new device is quick and doesn't require any lengthly input of data points?
RE: Report setup-"Location for time" and "Named range"
The best way I found to do this was to create a second sheet and have Mango paste the data into that and then on the first sheet you simply link to the data on the second sheet.
See sample below. Highlight at least 2-3 rows and then in the formulas tab choose create from selection. These are now what you select in Mango. Format the columns before you upload the Excel file.
RE: Custom dashboards don't work after upgrade to 3.2.1
Is the URL correct? On my system the dashboard appears at:
RE: Mango just just shuts down
Just a quick update, My client finally updated the server to a 4GB memory option and for 24 hours now we have not seen any shutdowns. Previously we would see at least 5-6 in that time.
RE: How to access mango graphical interface from another computer web browser via internet
You can't host it on a website. They only allow HTML, PHP etc.
You can use something like a GoDaddy Virtual Server and we do that and it works but if you do, I suggest you get the 4GB memory option as the cheapest at 1GB will give you lots of out of memory errors depending on how complex your setup is. Best to be safe.
You can use any text editor that allows an FTP connection to allow you to edit the HTML for the dashboards etc.
To upload and download files is simple a matter of using an FTP programme.
RE: How to access mango graphical interface from another computer web browser via internet
If the machine you are hosting Mango on does not have a FIXED IP you need to look at using DYNDNS or something similar and you need to have either the router detect the IP has changed and update the DYNDNS entry or have some software running on the server looking for the changes. Normally most modern routers have this capability built in.
You need to setup PORT FORWARDING on your router to allow an external connection to work. Note that some ISP's block certain IP's so you may have to play around to find one that is open. 8080+ should be good in most cases.
Your issue with the free version will be if you connect from a mobile device as they will give you a different IP each time so you will run out of IP's very quickly. The server being DYNAMIC won't be affected by this as it is the IP address of the devices connecting to the web interface that will have this issue.
How to input creation date into Excel report
I have an Excel report and I want to be able to include the data of the report in one of the cells. If I use the =TODAY() formula it will change each time the report is opened and printed.
How can I set the cell to the data it was created?
How to get browser to show server time
How do I get the browser charts and anything with time to show the server time and not the time local of the users browser?
I set the users timezone to use the server timezone but the times all appear as local times in the charts etc.
RE: Strange error: Invalid non-numeric rollup type: AVERAGE
I don't have any boolean points showing on any dashboard displays.
Strange error: Invalid non-numeric rollup type: AVERAGE
I am seeing this error in the log file and not sure whats causing this.
WARN 2016-08-03 14:34:22,050 ( - Invalid non-numeric rollup type: AVERAGE
Then this appears after it.
ERROR 2016-08-03 13:08:21,169 ( - Websocket session is closed, can't send message java.lang.Exception: Websocket session is closed, can't send message at com.serotonin.m2m2.web.mvc.websocket.MangoWebSocketPublisher.sendMessage( at at com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.DataPointEventMulticaster.pointUpdated( at com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.DataPointRT$EventNotifyWorkItem.execute( at com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.maint.BackgroundProcessing$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at
After these appear a few times, Mango shutsdown and my cron job restarts it.
Mango just just shuts down
I am seeing this in the log after it just shuts down.
ERROR 2016-08-02 17:13:52,639 (org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver.doResolveHandlerMethodException:367) - Failed to invoke @ExceptionHandler method: protected org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<java.lang.Object>,org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest) java.lang.IllegalStateException: Compressed output stream is already assigned.
Is there an issue with more than 1 user logging in under the same user name?
How to set this value on loading the page
I have a set of buttons that pass in from and to dates with a rollup-interval but this is not set when the page loads.
How can I set this value in entry to the setting "1 minutes"
<ma-now update-interval="1 minutes" output="to"></ma-now> <ma-calc input="now | moment:'subtract':subtractX:subtractUnit" output="from"></ma-calc> <md-button class="md-raised" ng-click="subtractX=1;subtractUnit='day'; rollupInterval='1 minutes'">Last 24 hours</md-button> <md-button class="md-raised" ng-click="subtractX=7;subtractUnit='day'; rollupInterval='10 minutes'">Last week</md-button> <md-button class="md-raised" ng-click="subtractX=30;subtractUnit='day'; rollupInterval='30 minutes'">Last month</md-button> <ma-point-values point="oilbbl1" values="oilbbl1Values" from="from" to="to" rollup="AVERAGE" rollup-interval="{{rollupInterval}}"></ma-point-values>
RE: Dreaded out of memory issue
That should have said DOESN'T LIKE.
Seems more stable with 512.
We have 20 data points with one system and 15 on another. I've already suggested to the client we upgrade to the 4GB and as we are looking to get more clients, we will probably move this from the current virtual server to a dedicated real one soon and that comes with 8GB of RAM.
RE: Dreaded out of memory issue
It does like the changes. Mango service has shutdown twice now so I am backing off the memory max to 512MB just to see if that is the issue. The last error in the log is this.
ERROR 2016-08-02 17:13:52,639 (org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver.doResolveHandlerMethodException:367) - Failed to invoke @ExceptionHandler method: protected org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<java.lang.Object>,org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest) java.lang.IllegalStateException: Compressed output stream is already assigned.