Thanks, I've got the following code which displays the current time, and one week ago:
<ma-now update-interval="1 SECONDS" output="time"></ma-now>
{{ time }}<br />
{{ time | maMoment:'subtract':7:'days' }}
but I'm not sure how to put it in the statistics part, the following fails:
<ma-point-statistics point-xid="DP_349842" from="time" to="time | maMoment:'subtract':7:'days'" statistics="statsObj"></ma-point-statistics>
as does wrapping it in braces, am I following the right syntax?
Looks like I had the right syntax (albeit with the dates the wrong way around):
<ma-point-statistics point-xid="DP_349842" from="time | maMoment:'subtract':7:'days'" to="time" statistics="fuel1"></ma-point-statistics>
The issue was with the value I was selecting:
(Last week: {{ fuel1.minimum.value }}) is correct (Last week: {{ fuel1.average.value }}) is not ....