Thank You. That puts me on the right track.
Thank You. That puts me on the right track.
scriptVar = scriptVar + 1 ;
Below is the export of the point.
"engineeringUnits":"No units",
Below is the export of the script data source.
"cronPattern":"0 * * * * ?",
"script":"scriptVar = scriptVar + 1 ;",
I have created a new script data source with a new point. I have the script scheduled to run every minute but can not get the point to update the value. I am new to this system and am just trying to figure out the capabilities at this time. I am monitoring my home with the system as a test site. I do not get any errors in the script module as there is only 1 line of code where I am incrementing the point value by adding 1 to it. When I view the point in the Watchers list, it never updates. I have set the point to an odd value from the watchers list but it doesn't change. Is there any documentation available that may help me?
I have created a new script data source with a new point. I have the script scheduled to run every minute but can not get the point to update the value. I am new to this system and am just trying to figure out the capabilities at this time. I am monitoring my home with the system as a test site. I do not get any errors in the script module as there is only 1 line of code where I am incrementing the point value by adding 1 to it. When I view the point in the Watchers list, it never updates. I have set the point to an odd value from the watchers list but it doesn't change. Is there any documentation available that may help me?
I installed Mango on a Windows 7 64 bit platform and can not seem to get email to work. I get the message that the test email was sent, however ir appears that it never is really sent. I also got a failure messgae on the mailing list when I tried to send a test message. Could not find ftl.testEmail.ftl. I copied the file testEmail.ftl and renamed it to ftl.teseEmail.ftl and then it says it sent the email, however it never sends it. Any ideas on what I missed?
I installed Mango on a Windows 7 64 bit platform and can not seem to get email to work. I get the message that the test email was sent, however ir appears that it never is really sent. I also got a failure messgae on the mailing list when I tried to send a test message. Could not find ftl.testEmail.ftl. I copied the file testEmail.ftl and renamed it to ftl.teseEmail.ftl and then it says it sent the email, however it never sends it. Any ideas on what I missed?
If you are trying to discover devices on remote networks, other subnets, you will need to have BBMDs configured on each network or create some code to register as a foreign device to some existing device on the other subnet, BACnet uses broadcasts for its discovery. There is information on the site about this.