Is there a special upgrade process for Java/MANGO that I have to pay attention once this is in a production environment or is that straight forward?
Thanks in advance,
Is there a special upgrade process for Java/MANGO that I have to pay attention once this is in a production environment or is that straight forward?
Thanks in advance,
The problem to upload it seems
You do not have enough privileges for this action.
I will send to you by email
Yes Phil I do have hs_err files.
I upload the last ones hope it may help [1_1515084790078_hs_err_pid592.log](Uploading 100%) [0_1515084790077_hs_err_pid568.log](Uploading 100%)
Now and then production Mango solution is found "crashed"! With this I mean that MANGO Stops once we can get access to Webmin.
Looking to the generated logs I found a common message about Java than says: "Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try ulimit -c unlimited before starting Java again"
My question is: Is it or not recommended to issue the specified command?
ulimit -c unlimited
If you does not recommend it what should I try to solve the MANGO crashing issues?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Phil,
I send you a message to support.
Thank you,
I will come back to the simultaneous alarm issue after I collect some more info.
meanwhile, after upgrade to MANGO v 3...
A) In Home I can not see the number of datasources, datapoints, etc. in the up right corner of the square. Also, Active Sessions, Event Detectors and Mailing Lists are not clickable.
B) !!systemSettings.lastUpgrade!! in Administration > System settings > System information, with 1500555481 as date.
and this one, last two from ma.log?
WARN 2017-07-24T14:50:10,495 (com.serotonin.m2m2.util.timeout.TaskRejectionHandler.rejectedTask:77) - Rejected task: User event cache cleaner because Task Queue Full
ERROR 2017-07-24T14:50:10,497 (com.infiniteautomation.nosql.MangoNoSqlBatchWriteBehindManager$StatusProvider.scheduleTimeout:726) - 7 BWB Task Failures, first is: Task Queue Full
thank you very much,
Now within MANGO v3 UI, once in awhile I see the following messages in the bottom screen:
connectivity lost... ok
(after 2 sec)
connectivity to MANGO API as been restored
My mangoApi module is 3.1.1
Once mangoNoSqlDatabase is depending on it, could this be in any way related to the problem that we have? (please see bellow reminder text). Is there any log where I can see more info? I search in the ma-log and found nothing.
let me remind you: when more than two simultaneous BACnet devices have it value switched only aleatory two reach's the http publisher. This is the only issue that holding us down to close the project... :-(
Thank you,
please answer to the issue about the license that I sent you to support.
Thank you
After the upgrade I get
in the System settings > System Information section when refreshing the database size.
Should I worry about or is only a none translated item?
It works!!!
What could be wrong?
Thank you very much. I can sleep better this night :)
you have right with the issue mangoes. I fix it but then I get
root@mangoES3249:/opt/mango/bin$./ start
MA_HOME is /opt/mango
./ line 31: /opt/mango/bin/ Permission denied
to all I get the same result:
sudo: unable to resolve host mangoES3249
unless for
sudo su; ./ start
where I get the PuTTY screen again - with the calendar, cpu info, etc. - as when I entered
here is the result
mango@mangoES3249:/opt/mango/bin$sudo ./ start
sudo: unable to resolve host mangoES3249
[sudo] password for mango:
sudo: ./ command not found
mango@mangoES3249:/opt/mango/bin$ start
-bash: command not found
ext-available ext-enabled h2-web-console.bat ma-start.bat upgrade.bat
Hi Phil,
It does not work... :(
So I have cross my fingers and do a version upgrade to MANGO 3...
Now MANGO's not responding! (snif!). "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" is all I get as browser response. The Webmin is working fine. Is there something else I can try before I restore the Mango directory ?
Thank you
Hi Phil,
I'm not figure it out... the code
TIMESTAMP = source.time+1; //one millisecond later than the source's TS
//you could use +2 on another one, and so on
Adds only a timestamp or in fact inserts a delay? Or both?
Thank you
@phildunlap said in How to change the http sending value parameter:
Whoops. Looks like there was a missing parenthesis. Fixed.
As the syntax error persists I try one more missed parenthesis. Your answer and Notepad++ made me see that conclusion. So 2 added.
outputFile.write( json.dumps( {"pointLinks": config["pointLinks"]}, indent=4, sort_keys=False, separators=(",",": ") ) )
Thank you
@phildunlap said in How to change the http sending value parameter:
Wow 1800! Are they all to the same target point? At a certain number we may want to rethink the general tactic of wedging lots of points' alarms out one point. But, if it works, ok.
Off hand I can't think of a way to do what I was describing in the global script, but here's a python script to mass modify your point links. You probably want to keep a JSON backup of them, in case you wish to revert.
import json configFile = open("/path/to/Mango/backup/Mango-Configuration.json") config = json.load( configFile ) configFile.close() x = 0 for pl in config["pointLinks"] : if pl["script"] != "" : pl["script"] = "TIMESTAMP=source.time+" + str(x) + ";\\n" + pl["script"] x += 1 outputFile = open("/path/to/output.json", "w+") outputFile.write( json.dumps( {"pointLinks": config["pointLinks"]}, indent=4, sort_keys=False, separators=(",",": ") outputFile.close()
Sorry. I get an invalid syntax at outputFile.close()
I'm hopping to test the first code in six or 8 link points. That I can do one by one... ;-)
Thanks in advance for the second code.
I'll feedback to you.
Hi Phil,
Where do I put it? Sorry but I can figure it out. Probably because I have 1800 point links... I'm lost here. :-(
As instructed previously by you I put a Global script
function getPrefix() { /*So that you may change the prefix for all scripts later if required */
return "4";
this is running on all point links. Is any way to add the time code here? Or am I confused? (its not the first time :D )
thank you
I follow the instructions here:
that work like a charm.
The problem is after this I can no more access the menu Data Point Details.
Any suggestions?