from the videos and tutorials of this site, I try to make links between synoptics, but without success.
I tried, to recover bits of codes, to make a link from one page to another, but even with contextual help, I can not.
I can not understand this Angular JS code, and how to insert it, to get what I want.
For example, I insert this code, taken from a video, in order to display the buttons
I get this:
To be able to assign them coordinates, I am obliged to assign them a style like this:
style = "position: absolute; left: 372px; top: 28.8667px;">
To obtain this:
but, I can not change this button, directly from the Mango interface, I can do it only in edit mode.
you will agree, that if one does not master the HTML well, and the classes associated with the objects, .., It is still very difficult for a PLC programmer , to be able to use the buttons, to make links between synoptics, synoptics all at short.
What should be done to make synoptics, as we usually do in Web server? (wago for example?)
A tutorial like the one made for, Ma-set-point-value, my-switch, my-point-value, the watchlist, or excel reports to describe by the example my-button would be welcome.
Because, even with the help, it is very difficult to understand how to make a link between two pages.
To exploit the explanations ui-router site github, it takes a seasoned computer scientist who knows the HTML, JavaScript.
best regards