HI Craig,
It works perfectly with libreoffice , as you said.
Thank you very much.
Best regards
HI Craig,
It works perfectly with libreoffice , as you said.
Thank you very much.
Best regards
Hello Phil,
Thank you for your answer for setting a CRON Patern variable with a script.
From now on, I understand how it will work.
The problem is that you have to master the scripts (apparently JavaScript), master their syntax and their language with the mango software.
Without help adapted to the variables that are used in the mango software, or with examples, it will be very difficult for me to master these scripts
The mango Software is very powerful, with its widgets and associated functions (time program, excel report, bulk data point edit, Watchlist etc .. that I hadexperimented.
I have not yet approached angular JS, which actually seems as very powerful.
The problem is that I am an PLC programmer and not a computer programmer.
It is possible to copy, pieces of scripts, provided that it is commented, and incorporate them into the program, or to modify a little theses scripts, but not to invent scripts. (It becomes the work of a real computer programmer
Best regards
Hello Phil,
It works now , connecting directly to the raspberry PI .
But the display between custom pages or settings pages takes about 3 to 5 seconds delay, and sometimes more.
Is-it due to the ram (only 1 gb with raspian ?)
With a computer core I5 8th generation 3,5 Ghz , 8 GB ram , W10 , the display between pages is less than a second.
Is it as fast for the MangoHTS ( 8GB RAM max ). (display between pages less than a second ?)
Best regards
Here is the screenshot of java versions available
Hello Phil ,
The file /usr/bin/java is present , but when i try to execute it nothings happens.
ma-init.sh is containing already echo but i don’t know how to add one.
As I said I don’t know how to use linux, just very few commands.
The situation has been improved but not at all.
I can start Mango , but it’s blocked with 5% starting
I was unable to have the good echo when usin oracle jre 1.8.0_221
So with the command sudo update-alternatives --config java , I choose an another version than oracle 1.8.0_221 :

Now I can have a good echo for java -version
I updated the etc/environment file with the following
JAVA_HOME= »/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-armhf/jre/bin/java»
Of course there’s a problem to launch the display , because I use VNC viewer but I can see the Mango software starting when typing localhost :8080 in the webbrowser bar.
But why Mango is blocked at 5% when starting ?
Is-it because it’s not a oracle version of java ?
Thanks for your help
Best regards
here is the screnshot of the check starting mango
Hello Phil,
i have many difficulties how to use linux, and i followed your tutorial step by step.
But I encountered the problem with the path.
In your tutorial you said :
Add the following to the file
If you have path settings add at the end of PATH following :/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_131/bin”
save /etc/environment (ctrl+x)
But the syntax is not given by the tutorial.
So that’s why I’m lookink for help.
With your previous comment I know now that the path is not good . But i still don’t know how to write that path in etc/environment.
I tried to start mango with sudo ./ma.sh start command in the bin directory of mango , but mango doesn’t work
is_it because java JRE is not answering ?
because when I check java -version , I have no answer.
When you install JDK, does it install in the same time JRE ?
best regards
I followed your tutorial to install mango on raspberry PI.
I’m blocked whith the command prompt :
sudo update-alternatives --install java /usr/bin/java /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_221/bin/java
as you can see with the following screenshot :
i don’t know linux , and I found on the web a syntax to declare the path for
:/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_221/bin but i don’t know if it’s the good syntax.
Here it’s what I wrote on the /etc/environment file :
Is-it correct for the path ?
If yes , have you got any idea of my problem ?
I can obtain JDK as you can see in the following screenshot, but not the java version :
Best regards
Hello jared,
You said : The gist of it is that ma-selector should be set to a CSS selector,
But I don’t even know how to set the ma-selector to a CSS selector !!
Even with the links you gave me , i unable to understand how does it works with mango . (angular JS attributes)
Even with the examples given in mango software I unable to update the code to realise the simple rotating svg object I want.
Using scripts is possible for me , but only if it’s not complicated.
I suppose i have to learn many things to be able to do a page like that :
So, I prefer to stop my involvement in mango.
Thanks for your help.
The following example is taken from a video of mango website showing how to make an image rotating on itself.
It’s possible for me to make an image rotating on its own position, but not for a svg object.
The svg objet (called « rotor » in the script code below) is rotating with an offset of several hundreds of pixels.
I can of course use an image instead of a svg object , but the rotation wil not be exactly at the center of the object, it’s why i think it’s better to do with svg objects .
Have you got any idea why is there an offset when rotating ?
Where is it possible to find a documetation on the differents properties and method of ma-selector object ?
result of the display:
Best regards
I wonder why is there a special syntax in the example below with the character ! in the sentence :
<div ma-selector="#DAS-OFF rect" ng-style="{'fill': !dasStatus.value ? 'red' : 'white'}"></div>
And not in that sentence :
<div ma-selector="#DAS-ON rect" ng-style="{'fill': dasStatus.value ? 'green' : 'white'}"></div>
I tried to remove it but , the animation does’nt work properly.
Any idea ?
Best regards