Hi all
I have some problems i am new in Mango, if someone can help me, i want to perform a simple thing but i cant do it.
I have a data source with a list of data point (binary). I want to show in a GUI "only" the one that is alarmed in realtime, mean value=true. and fill a table with that..
This code that i am testing, Does not work property does not show in realtime, i change manually the value to test and no row is show in a table.
When i manually update the page, appear a row but not in realtime.
<ma-point-query query="{$and: true, deviceName:'Menerga Faults', name:''}" limit="30" points="puntos_faults"></ma-point-query>
<ma-point-values points="puntos_faults" values="combined_faults" latest="1" from="dateBar.from" to="dateBar.to" rollup="{{dateBar.rollupType}}" rendered="true" rollup-interval="{{dateBar.rollupIntervals}} {{dateBar.rollupIntervalPeriod}}">
<div id="3a040097-4b4d-46c7-bcc4-1bb62d4563e8" style="position: absolute; left: 590px; top: 937px; border-width: medium; border-style: solid; border-radius: 10px; border-color: rgb(153, 153, 153); width: 485px; height: 165px;">
<table class="customTable">
<th>Current Faults</th>
<tr ng-repeat="punto in puntos_faults" ng-if="combined_faults[0]['value_' + punto.xid + '_rendered'] == 'true'">
<td style="color: red" ng-repeat="value in combined_faults">{{value['value_' + punto.xid + '_rendered']}}</td>
Thanks you very much for the help.