@Jared-Wiltshire do you have a data structure for creating an event detector? We're connected through the API and have been able to Get the existing even-detectors to look for a model as Swagger doesn't have a lot of information for POST /v2/event-detectors
Here is the response we get from /v2/event-detectors/data-point/{xid}
"xid": "ED_e7f4ceb7-baca-4842-b22c-897a4e2d87fe",
"name": "PCS3 Has Faulted",
"duration": 5,
"durationType": "MINUTES",
"alarmLevel": "CRITICAL",
"supportedDataTypes": [
"handlers": [
"description": "PCS3 Has Faulted",
"eventType": {
"dataSourceId": 2,
"dataPointId": 995,
"pointEventDetectorId": 110,
"duplicateHandling": "IGNORE",
"rateLimited": false,
"typeName": "DATA_POINT"
"sourceId": 995,
"rtnApplicable": true,
"detectorSourceType": "DATA_POINT",
"validationMessages": [],
"detectorType": "MULTISTATE_STATE",
"id": 110
What i dont see from the return of the GET is how we set the XID of the data point and the level. For example the above is set by a data point on value 8. Im not seeing in the return the XID of the datapoint that triggers this event detector or to look for value 8.
What are we missing?