Our sites date back 14 years so they are understandably folder-centric. This particular Mango enterprise server hosts a few hundred datasources, each representing a customer site. For this residential application there is only one Modbus PLC per site so we're dealing with approximately 75 datapoints for each site using a naming convention where both the datasource and the device are the same. At this time we are still using good old fashioned "server-mode" polling so each site has a Modbus-TCP gateway, port forwarding and DDNS as the means of allowing Mango to communicate with them. Here would be an example:
Device=CName, Slave_ID=100
Point=Buffer_Tank_Temp, analog R/O
Point=Outdoor_Temp, analog R/O
Power, Binary R/W
Point=Operating_Mode, Multi-State R/W
Target_Temp, analog R/O
Input_power, analog R/O
Output_Power, analog R/O
COP, analog R/O
Hope that explains our repetitive data structure. Like I mentioned in my original post, I have my watchlists, trend graphs and dashboards are working well using the dynamic point query except for the fact that all the device names are visible to each user - even though they can't actually see the datapoints for the other clients. I was really hoping I could use a 2nd query expression to reduce the list using the read permissions. I was using the watch list builder to do it but simply don't know the syntax to use. Below is a screen capture of my pseudo-code attempt to make the query: