Node Red.
Please Note This forum exists for community support for the Mango product family and the Radix IoT Platform. Although Radix IoT employees participate in this forum from time to time, there is no guarantee of a response to anything posted here, nor can Radix IoT, LLC guarantee the accuracy of any information expressed or conveyed. Specific project questions from customers with active support contracts are asked to send requests to support@radixiot.com.
Posts made by Balistar
Over the last few month very little participation from staff.
Something is seriously going wrong at mango-os. Or am I the only one that has noticed that more and more posts remain unanswered and that there is almost no participation from the company's staff.
Over the last few months there have been very few or no post by Jared Wiltshire, Joel Haggar, Phil Dunlap or Terry Packer.Craig Web seemed to be posting for a while, but has also stopped a month ago.
The only one who seems to be frequently posting is Matt Fox, and he does not work at mango-os as far as I can see,
This forum is more or less the only reason we have chosen Mango. Other SCADAs mosty don't publicly post solutions and answers to issues. Is Mango-OS going this way?
RE: Big News! Infinite Automation, Mango and BitBox USA have merged to create Radix IoT
I see references to 4.0, any info on that?
RE: HTTP JSON Retriever - Set point gives error on save.
Thanks Fox.
Using normal HTTP Retriever the "Settable" works. Just not the with the JSON variant.But even if there is a fix for the JSON version, I suspect that the HTTP JSON Retriever will, like the normal one, do a SET with a GET method Query. While there is no official method to do a HTTP "set", a POST or PUT would be a lot more appropriate than a GET.
{"method":"GET","path":"/api","query":{"name":"airtemp","value":"25"},"headers":{"x-forwarded-for":"","x-forwarded-proto":"http","x-forwarded-port":"80","host":"80a86fbe836e421a7363a19aee8ef3d8.m.pipedream.net","x-amzn-trace-id":"Root=1-5ec232c0-a1ad0510c55a8440ee963140","user-agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.5 (Java/11.0.5-ea)","accept-encoding":"gzip,deflate"}}
I will probably write a script that retrieves and sets points through the devices REST API.
Your edit relates to HTTP receiver, not the retriever.
HTTP JSON Retriever - Set point gives error on save.
I have define a HTTP JSON Retriever Source and added a Set Point URL. This saves OK.
Data point definition saves and validates fine.
However, The when the "Settable" box and Set Point Name are configured saving the point returns an error.Internal Server Error — java.lang.ClassCastException: class com.serotonin.m2m2.http.vo.HttpJsonRetrieverDataSourceVO cannot be cast to class com.serotonin.m2m2.http.vo.HttpRetrieverDataSourceVO (com.serotonin.m2m2.http.vo.HttpJsonRetrieverDataSourceVO and com.serotonin.m2m2.http.vo.HttpRetrieverDataSourceVO are in unnamed module of loader java.net.URLClassLoader @560513ce)
Any advice? Documentation is a little thin on this/
Version 3.7.1
A previous similar question was not really answered:
Re: How to set a value using http -
RE: API permissions - User who has permission on DataSource cannot create Datapoint to that source.
No need for MangoUI other than now and then do Admin stuff, We use our own Dashboards.
The API will be used in device on-boarding. Admin creates User, JWT, DataSource (device). Sets new user role to DataSource. This info will be set in device, which creates its own DataPoints (15 to 50) and uploads measuring data to the system from then on.
The JWT is not ideal from a security stand point, but good enough got us at the moment.
RE: API permissions - User who has permission on DataSource cannot create Datapoint to that source.
Thanks. My goal is to keep the API request JSON as small as possible, so I omitted as much as possible to the POST request to create a DP. Too much.
You are right.
"readPermission":"emon3175585", "setPermission":"emon3175585",
needed to be added.
{ "name": "test12-test2", "xid": "test12-test2", "dataSourceXid" : "test12", "readPermission":"emon3175585", "setPermission":"emon3175585", "pointLocator" : { "startValue" : "0", "modelType" : "PL.VIRTUAL", "dataType" : "NUMERIC", "settable" : true, "changeType" : "NO_CHANGE", "max": 100, "maxChange": 0.01, "min": 0 } }
My concern is the API, so that is solved.
The GUI DP creation permission may still have a problem as there is no SAVE button.
RE: API permissions - User who has permission on DataSource cannot create Datapoint to that source.
There is no console error because there is no SAVE button to press.
Using the API with JWT issued to user emon3175585:
curl --location --request POST 'http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/rest/v2/data-points' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJlbW9uMzE3NTU4NSIsImV4cCI6MTU4MTk5NjgxMywiaWQiOjQsInYiOjEsInR5cCI6ImF1dGgifQ.AClqeOT6yAQCjGMYfXaMlDVgAcVOftGy3TSCrjxWat-Iz2yFut5nP4wntnE1xas3VtieFbxVwffbhmXwngPhHi8VAEFPPoaCD11unJ5_VTVWJkwnx73Eq8L2sbI9abLVM_CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \ --data-raw '{ "name": "test12-test2", "xid": "test12-test2", "dataSourceXid" : "test12", "pointLocator" : { "startValue" : "0", "modelType" : "PL.VIRTUAL", "dataType" : "NUMERIC", "settable" : true, "changeType" : "NO_CHANGE", "max": 100, "maxChange": 0.01, "min": 0 } }'
Results in error: 422 Unprocessable Entity
{ "result": { "messages": [ { "level": "ERROR", "message": "Must retain permission", "property": "readPermission" }, { "level": "ERROR", "message": "Must retain permission", "property": "setPermission" } ] }, "mangoStatusCode": 4002, "mangoStatusName": "VALIDATION_FAILED", "localizedMessage": "Validation failed" }
RE: API permissions - User who has permission on DataSource cannot create Datapoint to that source.
Naturally. But that was set already:
RE: API permissions - User who has permission on DataSource cannot create Datapoint to that source.
Thanks for your fast response.
I am probably missing something.
New DataSource created by Admin. User (emon3175585) given permission to edit the DataSource.
Yet, when user (emon3175585) logs in, the user cannot create new DataPoint.
RE: API permissions - User who has permission on DataSource cannot create Datapoint to that source.
Fox. Running Core 3.7.3.
Admin creates new USER. Admin creates DataSource and gives READ and WRITE access to new user ONLY for that DataPoint.
New USER can EDIT DataSource, but cannot create DataPoints .Both through GUI and API with JWT.
Once Admin Creates a new DataPoint for that DataSource new user can edit that DataPoint.
The intent of Permission to a DataSource works correctly after Admin has created one and assigned read/write permissions for that DataSource to a User, that User has edit/set ability to all DataPoints of that DataSource without that user having explicit read/write permission to those DataPoints. I guess permission inheritance works for this.
API permissions - User who has permission on DataSource cannot create Datapoint to that source.
A attempt will be awarded a 422 http code. "Must retain permission". Not a 401 "Not Authorized". So perhaps I am missing something.
I am not sure if this makes sense. If the admin chooses to give a user edit access to a DataSource, it seems logical that that user should also be able to create DataPoints. If the admin is concerned with DataSource security, the admin should not give the user edit permission to the DataSource, but only to DataPoints.
RE: Minimum required Mango REST V2 API JSON values documentation
Thanks Terry,
Almost. Mango API needs double quotes around names and values. Anyway this works:
{ "name": "emon3175585-19", "xid": "emon3175585-19", <-- no need if you want Mango to auto create "dataSourceXid" : "emon3175585", "enabled": true, "pointLocator" : { "startValue" : "0", "modelType" : "PL.VIRTUAL", "dataType" : "NUMERIC", "settable" : true, "changeType" : "NO_CHANGE" } }
To add a few more codes:
201 - Created
403 - no authorization -
Minimum required Mango REST V2 API JSON values documentation
To start with there is nothing at http://MANGO-IP:8080/rest/v2/swagger/v2/api-docs
Nor can I find any detailed information.
Specifically I would like to know the required minimum json values for
PUT /rest/v2/data-points (create data-point)
The example in Swagger lists all values, but there is no indication which values are required and which values are set to default when left out. The full PUT request to create a point is (relatively) large 1634 bytes for the request data below.
Also, I am looking for a list of error codes for each API.
{ "xid": "Dummy12345-1", "name": "Dummy12345-1", "enabled": true, "deviceName": "dummy12345", "readPermission": "", "setPermission": "", "pointFolderId": 0, "purgeOverride": false, "pointLocator": { "max": 100, "min": 0, "maxChange": 0.1, "startValue": "50", "modelType": "PL.VIRTUAL", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "settable": true, "changeType": "BROWNIAN", "values": [] }, "chartColour": "", "loggingProperties": { "cacheSize": 1, "loggingType": "INTERVAL", "tolerance": 0, "discardExtremeValues": false, "intervalLoggingType": "AVERAGE", "intervalLoggingPeriod": { "periods": 1, "type": "MINUTES" }, "overrideIntervalLoggingSamples": false }, "textRenderer": { "type": "textRendererAnalog", "format": "0.00", "suffix": "", "useUnitAsSuffix": false }, "chartRenderer": { "type": "chartRendererImage", "timePeriod": { "periods": 1, "type": "DAYS" } }, "rollup": "NONE", "simplifyType": "NONE", "simplifyTolerance": "NaN", "simplifyTarget": 1000, "templateXid": null, "dataSourceXid": "dummy12345", "tags": {}, "plotType": "SPLINE", "dataSourceTypeName": "VIRTUAL" }
RE: Bulk data upload with HTTP Receiver possible? - SOLVED by using API REST instead
Solution is to use REST API instead.
curl -X POST ""
API follows JSON syntax "Square brackets hold arrays and values are separated by ,(comma)"
[ { "annotation": "", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "timestamp": 1576117390000, "value": 227.1, "xid": "DP_a9b3bce6-98ea-493a-b840-2450f3ffc3ae" }, { "annotation": "", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "timestamp": 1576117400000, "value": 228.1, "xid": "DP_a9b3bce6-98ea-493a-b840-2450f3ffc3ae" }, { "annotation": "", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "timestamp": 1576117410000, "value": 229.1, "xid": "DP_a9b3bce6-98ea-493a-b840-2450f3ffc3ae" }, { "annotation": "", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "timestamp": 1576117342000, "value": 220.1, "xid": "DP_a9b3bce6-98ea-493a-b840-2450f3ffc3ae" } ]
Full CURL with this body:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-XSRF-TOKEN: 58594b34-9a0d-4417-9b23-xxxx" -d "[ { \"annotation\": \"\", \"dataType\": \"NUMERIC\", \"timestamp\": 1576117390000, \"value\": 227.1, \"xid\": \"DP_a9b3bce6-98ea-493a-b840-2450f3ffc3ae\" }, { \"annotation\": \"\", \"dataType\": \"NUMERIC\", \"timestamp\": 1576117400000, \"value\": 228.1, \"xid\": \"DP_a9b3bce6-98ea-493a-b840-2450f3ffc3ae\" }, { \"annotation\": \"\", \"dataType\": \"NUMERIC\", \"timestamp\": 1576117410000, \"value\": 229.1, \"xid\": \"DP_a9b3bce6-98ea-493a-b840-2450f3ffc3ae\" }, { \"annotation\": \"\", \"dataType\": \"NUMERIC\", \"timestamp\": 1576117342000, \"value\": 220.1, \"xid\": \"DP_a9b3bce6-98ea-493a-b840-2450f3ffc3ae\" }]"
Bulk data upload with HTTP Receiver possible? - SOLVED by using API REST instead
Is there a way to bulk upload to the HTTP Receiver?
With value and timeSomething like:
etc...I can only get the first temp.
RE: Has HTTP JSON Retriever properties changed in 3.7.3? - Solved
Thanks. New version solved issue.
Has HTTP JSON Retriever properties changed in 3.7.3? - Solved
After upgrade from 3.4 to 3.7.3 HTTP JSON Retriever points started throwing events.
Timestamp was not parsable, value= for point L1 Volt
In point properties the Value JSON pointer is of course defined.
The Time JSON pointer is not, simply because the JSON does not have it. This was not an issue before, and events were not thrown in 3.4. In 3.7.3 it does.What is the best way to set properties without a Time pointer?
Upgrade from 3.4 to 3.7.3 hangs with mysql connect
I have upgraded all modules from 3.4 to 3.7.4.
Loading system hangs at "Initializing pooled connection manager"INFO 2019-12-10T11:01:47,493 (com.serotonin.m2m2.Main.loadModules:650) - Loading module 'internal', v3.7.0 by Infinite Automation Systems Inc. INFO 2019-12-10T11:01:50,104 (com.serotonin.m2m2.Lifecycle.loadLic:583) - Checking license... INFO 2019-12-10T11:01:50,252 (com.serotonin.m2m2.db.BasePooledProxy.initializeImpl:36) - Initializing pooled connection manager
mySQL only gets one hit from mango:
2019-12-10T03:01:50.888382Z 8 Connect root@localhost on mango using SSL/TLS
When I comment-out all mysql enteries in overrides/properties env.properties and remove the h2 comments, systems loads OK (with obliviously very old settings before we moved to mysql.)
Ubuntu 19:10
mysql 8:0.18 -
RE: How to do custom dashboards now?
Hi Jared,
Since the new UI Module, the vendor CSS files, that are suppose to be loaded automatically, are blocked from loading in my Custom Dashboard.mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js:39 Refused to load the stylesheet 'http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'".
I believe I changed everything in my dashboard and is following your admin template.
Other than styling my dashboard works fine.mangoUI 3.4.5
on Chrome 67