Is it correct ? Do i need to sum all the KW and I will get the total consumption for an hour ?
(1/4 * 4.8) + (1/4 * 4.9) + (1/4 * 4.8) + (1/4 * 4.8) = 4.825 KWH
Is it correct ? Do i need to sum all the KW and I will get the total consumption for an hour ?
(1/4 * 4.8) + (1/4 * 4.9) + (1/4 * 4.8) + (1/4 * 4.8) = 4.825 KWH
@jeremyh Hello Jeremy. Want to ask you one more question. I am not from the Electric background. So, I find a difficulty in calculating the power consumption of the meter. For you information, my system going to add the data in the database for every one minute. How am i going to calculate the power consumption for the device for a day (24 hours). I have Kw value for every minute.
Do I have to add the Kw value for every minute up to the whole day ?
Thank you.
@jeremyh yaa, the data will be insert into the database every minute.
@jeremyh so what should I do next is, minus 1 from all the register that I want since it start count from 0 right ? Thank you so much again. Thank you for helping me around since the beginning.
@jeremyh Thank you so much jeremy. You really save my life. I try 3109 in my java code, and it show the correct value that I want. Thank you so much for helping me out. Can you explain more on how you get the 3109 value ? Why in the documentation it say that 3110 ?
God bless you Jeremy..
@jeremyh actually some of my senior said that I suppose to add 40001 from its original register due to modbus protocol. I want to read the data from the register 3110 actually. In the documentation, the 3110 refer to the Frequency (Hz). That is my I get the 43111 register.
But I also try the 43110 and 43109 as you ask me to, but both the result is value: -4.5918E-41
@jeremyh For me, it interface is not a problem. The problem right now is that, I am not able to read the data from the power meter. I also have done the TCP master. Below is the latest code that I try
ModbusFactory factory = new ModbusFactory();
IpParameters params = new IpParameters();
ModbusMaster master = factory.createTcpMaster(params, true);
// master.setRetries(4);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
ModbusLocator locator = new ModbusLocator(1, RegisterRange.HOLDING_REGISTER, 43111, DataType.TWO_BYTE_BCD);
System.out.println("value: "+master.getValue(locator));
finally {
System.out.println("Took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");
and the output of the coding is :
value: 8000
Took: 78ms
while there is no 8000 value at the power meter. Thank you.
@jeremyh Hi Jeremy. My goal is to read the data in the Schneider Power Login meter. The value going to be store in the database. My system going to show the meter value. Its like the real time data. The system going to take the meter reading every 5 second and show the value in the system. My system using the Java Language and Spring framework.
Below is the example of my system interface.
@hussam I downloaded the mango 2.5.2. But it just like another software that you can use to interact with the electrical device. How should I integrate the mango with my system ?