Send / Receive ASCII string through serial port?
Is there anyway in Mango to send an ASCII string to a serial device and capture the response? I'm trying to connect to a RS-485 thermostat. A sample request for the set temperature of the thermostat would be:
"SN1 SH=?" and the reply would be "SN1 SH=68"
No, not currently. The number of possibilities that people might need from something like this are too vast to build a general data source. You would be much better off building a module in M2M2 specifically for your equipment.
I tried workaround for this. I create simple JAR with openPort, closePort and sendData method with RxTx library.
This JAR I sent to jre/lib/ext folder with RxTx library.
Last step was create Meta data source point with some field with Cron timing.
In Javascript (Rhino) I wrote import of my JAR and called my methods.Now I am busy, but I want to create simple example and zip with my serial communicator classes.
It works.
Java script code for ASCII serial
importPackage(com.alarex.serialcommunicator); var serial = new SerialCommunicator(); var command = 'ati\r\n'; x = serial.openPort("/dev/ttyS0", 115200, 8, 1, SerialCommunicator.PARITY_NONE, SerialCommunicator.FLOWCONTROL_NONE); //sendDataAsString(String, timeout for response, timeout for last byte from response - detect packet end) vysledek = serial.sendDataAsString(command,1000,100); serial.closePort(); return vysledek;
You can call sendDataAsString multiple and return part1+","+part2+"," part3
and split in other fields in datasource. -
Copy SerialCommunicator.jar to ...jre/lib/ext . RxTx library have to be installed.
After copy you have to restart apache-tomcat.
I attached datapoint settings picture
Attachment: download link
Thank you for the reply and example. I'll give it a try!
The link to your files are removed or can not be found. Please let me know how I can get your code.
Mo -
Ok, I am attaching it as one ZIP.
Attachment: download link