Mango automation behind F5 rev proxy
Hello everybody,
we have deployed mango automation behind F5 Bigip LTM reverse proxy. Everything works fine except Websockets (gauges are not working for example).
Does anybody know how to solve this , as we are not experts in any of systems :)Of course , when going directly without reverse proxy, everything shows fine.
Here are screenshots if it may help:
br -
@ddukaric you will need to configure the proxy to allow websocket upgrades.
I spent a few hours troubleshooting the same issue and discovered that F5 does not handle websockets well. We eventually abandoned the F5 route and went with nginx and end state will be Haproxy.
We discovered that there were known issues with F5 not handling websockets well.
Thanks for feedback,
we just used TCP profile on rev proxy , without http then and it works all right. We will do SSL termination on server