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Rollups on dashboards
Hi all,
I have a kWh data source from a modbus slave device polling every 15 minutes. This is a cumulative value. I have also set up a meta datapoint to log 15 minute values (I had to do this as a delta roll up wont work for 15 minutes if there is only one value logged every 15 mins). That all good.
Now I have set up an SVG graphic and on it I want to display current total, last month, last 15 minute value, max 15min value,
I can get the current total and the last 15 minute value no problem as they are last values received I but cant figure out how to do a rollup on the SVG graphic.
Any suggestion? ThanksRob
<ma-get-point-value point-xid="L1EnergyX" point="L1EnergyPt"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="15MinuteEnergyX" point="15MinuteEnergyPt"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-svg ng-include="'/modules/mangoUI/web/img/5Ecohousepanel.svg'" style="position: absolute; width: 900px; height: 480px; left: 920px; top: 0px;"> <div ma-selector="#HouseTotal tspan" ng-bind="L1EnergyPt.renderedValue"></div> <div ma-selector="#HouseLast15 tspan" ng-bind="15MinuteEnergyPt.renderedValue"></div> <div ma-selector="#HouseMax15 tspan" ng-bind= "???????????????????????????????????"></div> <div ma-selector="#HouseLastMonth tspan" ng-bind= "???????????????????????????????????"></div> </ma-svg>
Take a look at the
item under the Api docs -> components. Also check the examples.
You'll be able to see how to apply it to get the rollups you desire to display the figures you want.Fox
Hi @Robmalone
You should also look at the document for
it returns a statsObject which you can then use statsObject.last, statsObject.max etc. this would be a lot easier to use than<ma-point-values>
you for purpose.