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change export filename
hello ,
I have enabled the export on my serialChart. I would like to change the filename that mango assigns to the download and appears at bottom left in the download tab . (ex. "mangoChart 37" change to "my filename 38")
also how to change the text at top of the column in csv report. it currently uses the xid and i have been changing that to something more relevant but was hoping to change it to the name property.
You don't. If you want you want a means to have a custom csv download with your own naming convention you'll have to write the code for it yourself.
Thanks MattFox,
I was able to customize the tab name at the top of web page so I thought i'd give this a shot.
@dgm I have an update for you.
I am unsure if it will work in the dashboard because I write controllers to do this for me. But I revisited this for you and I have some good news:options="{'export': { enabled: true,fileName: 'MyFilename'}}" export="true"></ma-serial-chart>
You can override using the options attribute to set your export filename. Apologies for misleading you, I was unaware without looking at the source that the export options were as easily accessible than I had first assumed...
However you're still stuck with that XID value.