I will try to expand on this:
I have changed jobNumber to batchNumber to help clarify
There are several plc's , each one at different site. Each has 5 datapoints that we want.
(4 sensors and 1 batchNumber)
Using a modbus datasource, we are retreiving and logging these once per sec into mango on office laptop.
Batch numbers are generated on site so the office has no idea which plc has which batches or when they were done.
batch#, ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4
404 63 67 48 78
404 63 67 48 78
405 63 67 48 78
405 63 67 48 78
405 63 67 48 78
405 63 67 48 78
612 63 67 48 78
612 63 67 48 78
612 63 67 48 78
612 63 67 48 78
on and on every second...
back at the office, the supervisor types in batch number he wants into mango dashboard. This could be a batch from 1 week ago, lets say batch #405.
We need to find the device with #405 on it and put the 4 sensor readings into the serialChart input array for graphical viewing.Keep doing this until a historical graph is built
We have a customized serialChart which views realtime very nicely, but its the historical data that im having trouble with.
hence my request for a query that compares a datapoint value on the plc