Has HTTP JSON Retriever properties changed in 3.7.3? - Solved
After upgrade from 3.4 to 3.7.3 HTTP JSON Retriever points started throwing events.
Timestamp was not parsable, value= for point L1 Volt
In point properties the Value JSON pointer is of course defined.
The Time JSON pointer is not, simply because the JSON does not have it. This was not an issue before, and events were not thrown in 3.4. In 3.7.3 it does.What is the best way to set properties without a Time pointer?
@Balistar it looks like this is a bug, I'll fix up the code and release a new module as soon as possible.
@Balistar version 3.7.1 of the HTTP module is now available with a fix for your problem.
Thanks. New version solved issue.