Advice on moving components / controllers / services out of userModule
I know what i've done wrong....
I didn't return the user module!
So sorry man!define(['angular', 'require','./components/pushLamp.js'], function (angular, require, pushLamp) { var userModule = angular.module('userModule', ['maUiApp']); userModule.filter('unsafe', ['$sce', function($sce) { return $sce.trustAsHtml; }]); try { userModule.component('pushLamp',pushLamp); } catch(e) { console.log('error: ', e); } return userModule; //MISSING THIS!!! aerghhh I hate mondays... });
Man I need a swift kick...
so WE did! same problem tho.
lets take this back to chat...
Fixed, just mixed up the full path of the file with the userModule URL after closer inspection.
ok, @MattFox... I feel like a post (as in dumb as one). Can you refresh me again as to how to now break out (and where to declare) the component's controller in its own file?
define(['angular', 'require','./push/pushLamp.js'], function (angular, require, pushLamp) { var userModule = angular.module('userModule', ['maUiApp']); userModule.filter('unsafe', ['$sce', function($sce) { return $sce.trustAsHtml; }]); try { userModule.component('pushLamp',pushLamp); } catch(e) { console.log('error: ', e); } return userModule.js; });
define(['angular', 'require'], function (angular, require) { pushCtrl.$inject = ['$scope','$timeout']; function pushCtrl($scope,$timeout) { const $ctrl = this; $ctrl.$onChanges = function (changes) { if (changes.points && Array.isArray($ctrl.points)) { $ctrl.point = $ctrl.points.find(p => p.xid === 'DP_ind_' + $; $ctrl.switchPoint = $ctrl.points.find(p => p.xid === 'DP_sw_' + $; $ctrl.ptCSS = { // point css values for color and blink; ex, ng-class="" get color(){ if ($ctrl.point.color < 10) { return 0; } return Math.floor($ctrl.point.value / 10)}, get blink(){return 'blink' + $ctrl.point.value % 10}, get colStyle(){return 'color'+this.color} }; $timeout(function() { console.log('color:', $ctrl.ptCSS.colStyle, 'blink:', $ctrl.ptCSS.blink ); },1000); } }; $ctrl.pushed = function() { console.log($ctrl.switchPoint.value); if ($ctrl.switchPoint) { $ctrl.switchPoint.toggleValue(); console.log('switch ' + $ + ' was switched.' ); } }; } return { templateUrl: '/modules/mangoUI/web/dev/push/push.html', bindings: { points: '<', target: '@' }, controller: pushCtrl }; });
I'm a little confused as to why you'd want to go that far but I believe you'd do something along the lines of..
/opt/mango36/overrides/web/modules/mangoUI/web/dev/controllers/pushCtrl.jsdefine(['angular', 'require'], function (angular, require) { pushCtrl.$inject = ['$scope','$timeout']; function pushCtrl($scope,$timeout) { const $ctrl = this; $ctrl.$onChanges = function (changes) { if (changes.points && Array.isArray($ctrl.points)) { $ctrl.point = $ctrl.points.find(p => p.xid === 'DP_ind_' + $; $ctrl.switchPoint = $ctrl.points.find(p => p.xid === 'DP_sw_' + $; $ctrl.ptCSS = { // point css values for color and blink; ex, ng-class="" get color(){ if ($ctrl.point.color < 10) { return 0; } return Math.floor($ctrl.point.value / 10)}, get blink(){return 'blink' + $ctrl.point.value % 10}, get colStyle(){return 'color'+this.color} }; $timeout(function() { console.log('color:', $ctrl.ptCSS.colStyle, 'blink:', $ctrl.ptCSS.blink ); },1000); } }; $ctrl.pushed = function() { console.log($ctrl.switchPoint.value); if ($ctrl.switchPoint) { $ctrl.switchPoint.toggleValue(); console.log('switch ' + $ + ' was switched.' ); } }; } return pushCtrl; )};//define
then pushLamp.js:
define(['angular', 'require','/modules/web/mangoUI/web/dev/controllers/pushCtrl.js'], function (angular, require,pushCtrl) { return { templateUrl: '/modules/mangoUI/web/dev/push/push.html', bindings: { points: '<', target: '@' }, controller: pushCtrl }; });//define
I'm confident you can leverage require in the userModule.js to shorten that controller call into a single word but I've not done a great deal of angularJS lately due to other work commitments....
Thanks. I tried that, but obviously suffered pilot error in the process. Good point why bother...
Just be careful with splitting out your user modules into too many files, you may hit the REST rate limiter and your page could fail to load. Test it out with cache disabled to make sure. You can adjust the rate limits in
As I mentioned in the other thread, you may want to consider using Webpack if your project becomes cumbersome.
yes - that occurred to me - might make things a little more straightforward. Thanks - didn't think about the REST rate issue. Is there anything about using Webpack with mango?
@bobday said in Advice on moving components / controllers / services out of userModule:
Is there anything about using Webpack with mango?
Not currently but I could put together a little help section tomorrow.
Sorry to storm in but I think that'd be beneficial for a lot of people Jared. Also thanks for your input, I think I've lost sight of a few things lately!
Thanks, @Jared-Wiltshire. Let me bug you when things appear to be getting out of hand!
well, on second thought then, that would be super!