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Report charts - delta/bar chart option
Just wondering if there is any way to set the report chart to plot a bar chart of deltas similar to how the normal charts work.
Similarly, as a feature request, would it be possible to add in the
value into the point statistics object? I've been doing it by hand but it would be nice to have built in.We're monitoring utility accumulators (electricity, water etc.) so the delta is kind of the main piece of data at first glance for our users.
C -
Hi cbyrne,
In this thread, I provided a "collateIntegrals" filter that could be passed the points values, do math on them and return a new point values array for charting:
You could do something similar for calculating the deltas, or you could have a meta point that was calculating the deltas ahead of time, and then it would be like a normal chart.
Similarly, as a feature request, would it be possible to add in the lastValue-firstValue value into the point statistics object? I've been doing it by hand but it would be nice to have built in.
We defined the delta as the lastValue - startValue (if present, first value if not). Does that suit this need, or does it need specifically to be the firstValue?