Charted point
image chart, new in version 1.6 or 1.7 i think
ok then in the graphical views editing page you would add a "image chart"
@craig said:
ok then in the graphical views editing page you would add a "image chart"
When i use imagechart there is chart all the time.
I want similiar as on this page
look at the boiler temperature, if you put the mouse there you
see a icon of a chart and then the chart.
that is the way i like it :) -
Make sure "display controls" is checked, and the point has a chart renderer.
click the brick icon for the point, go to the point properties edit page and near the bottom you can set up a chart renderer. this will give you the mouse over chart
@mlohbihler said:
Make sure "display controls" is checked, and the point has a chart renderer.
Display controls checked,
Now i can click on the point and another page opens, i see the point statistic there and a big chart.This is not the way it works on the page from keith :(
@craig said:
click the brick icon for the point, go to the point properties edit page and near the bottom you can set up a chart renderer. this will give you the mouse over chart
I have made a sipmle point, the point properties does not show chart.
@sprokkie said:
@craig said:
click the brick icon for the point, go to the point properties edit page and near the bottom you can set up a chart renderer. this will give you the mouse over chartI have made a sipmle point, the point properties does not show chart.
I found out what you mentioned.
I have a chart now with mouse over.Now i have the problem that is to big, where can i resize it