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Custom dashboards v3.0 home page tutorials not working
I just updated custom dashboards module to 3.0 and wanted to learn view the tutorials, which seemed really informative in the online videos, but the buttons didn't react to being pressed at all even though the lists opened fine in the sidebar. What could be the cause for it?
Try clearing your browser cache and see if that resolves it
I tried clearing cache but it didn't help.
When using firefox I got a dozen warnings looking like:
ARIA: Attribute " aria-label ", required for accessibility, is missing on node: <button ng-transclude="" type="button" class="menu-link md-button md-ink-ripple menu-active" ui-sref-active="menu-active">
Chrome didn't load the page at all and gave these errors:
Uncaught TypeError: require.config is not a function
Uncaught TypeError: require is not a function -
When you upgraded the dashboards module to 3.0 did you also update the API module and any other updates that were available? You should have the Mango API module version 1.1.6
Yes, when I upgraded to 3.0 dashboards I also upgraded all the other modules that could be upgraded at the time. It included Mango API as well.
This could still possibly be a browser caching issue. You really need to do a complete refresh of the page assets. I found the best way to do this in chrome is to open up the dev tools (right click the page and select inspect). Then jump over to the network tab in Chrome Dev Tools. Check the box that says disable cache. Then refresh the page with the dev tools open and that checkbox selected.
If you installed the modules correctly and it is a browser cache issue this should do the trick.
Thank you. It seems that clearing the cache is more "complex" for firefox and I didn't manage to do it properly. Everything is now working properly and I can start to get familiar with the new shinies. As you know I'm a newbie and I felt that the prior documentation was a bit lacking for someone that isn't skilled in Javascript, but you have done a marvelous job with the new tutorials and documentation. Hats off to you
Glad you got it working. I have done some dashboard work in the new angular framework and it is 10x easier and more powerful then before. The new angular directives really allow you to plug and play with mango web components and build out pretty complex dashboard with pretty much no javascript, just binding data between the mango components.
Have fun