Alert on no Modbus Communication
Is there any way to create alert for no communication on a specific modbus device address.
I cannot depend on a point alert with no update, because we're only updating on change, and sometimes values don't change for a while.
Hi mihairosu,
Have you attempted the solution using no update detectors? If Mango performs a successful modbus read, all read points should generate 'update' events regardless of their logging condition. The No Update detector subscribes to these events, so it should still do what you are describing.
I thought I already tried that and it didn't work for me. I will give it another go and let you know what the results are.
Just to clear things up, I was not doing this on the MangoES, but on the main Mango server. I increased the update check to 1 minute.
The issue I think was that the MangoES was not sending data to the main historian as fast as it was polling the data points (every 7 seconds) so that's why I was getting notifications.
PS: I really wish I could send a custom message when the alarm is inactive (and active too actually) so I can send emails that do something like this:
SUBJECT: ALARM IS OFFInstead of the current:
SUBJECT: ALARM IS ON (inactive)This is generally more confusing.
How often does the mango persistent tcp connection transmit data to the main historian?
I feel silly, so I'll answer my own questions. The publisher data update is set my the cron patten. I noticed it's 5 minutes, so I'm going to check for no update every 11 minutes to be safe.
Let us know if that works for you!
You can modify the email templates in the Mango/ftl folder, but unfortunately it is the same template for any email handler. We have had discussions about adding the ability to customize the template for a particular event handler (I bet everyone would like this) but it's not our highest priority at the moment.
Okay, the no update event notification is working. I did have to increase the no update duration to be longer than the mango persistent tcp history synchronization interval.
As far as the custom email templates, I would rather wait until it's implemented by you guys.
Thanks for the help.