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ban specific functions, button, scaled data
Im new with Mango, but quite good with other HMI/SCADA platforms.
I have one system with Win7 64b, java jdk, Mango v.2.6 and Bacnet/IP module.
I installed basic function and images, data displays good, response system is fine, but appeared some problems :-
I have two users, admin(administrator) and ua(user). How to forbid ua to change graphical ( graphical views, edit view ) items... in fact i want disable little pen the right side of the dropdown menu
is there a some button for navigate through images/pages or user must use dropdown menu
how to prepare raw value from data point to proper display, for example, pressure in bacnet value is 2508 (display 2508,00) but proper value is 25,08 bars. Is there a some way to scaled (multiplier or addition) raw value.
whether it is enough to copy mango folder to any other pc if licensing is done
Hi ua,
Mango 2.6 has a whole new user permission system which is very flexible. I think if you watch this video it will be clear. First make sure the au user is not part of the Super Admin group. As the admin user when you edit a Graphic view you can choose a user group to share it with. Add a group that the au belongs to to the Read section and not the others:
You should also block the user from certain features on the system setting page:
#2 The drop down list is the main way but you can insert HTML to make your own menu to switch from page to page.
#3 Generally BACnet values come pre scaled from the device. You can make a meta data point to scale the value if needed.
#4 You can copy a Mango directory from one server to another. If you already have a license and do this the license will not work. We allow you to change the license if needed for this purpose.
Thanks for effective response. Before this topic I tried, unsuccessfully, and not wasting time is enough so I need this direction. Thanks again.
problem not solved as I want - user must see data, but cant move icons in edit mode ("because" pen is yellow/visible, not gray/invisible). And before I try something with users permisions in certain sections ( graphical views, system setings, data points, users ) even tried to login/logoff and/or restart server.
html is fine solution, but push me in programmers. This I left for a day, two.
your tip give me good direction and this is done. Before I get stuck with code ( syntax ), and I moved to look for a solution in other options.
how many free licenses can be related to my account
Hello Ua,
In response to your scaling issue. I have taken Joel's advice previously and have used the Meta data source to good affect. Our data loggers supply a raw value from 0 to 20000 representing 0 to 20 mA from the sensor. The data could actually be just about anything, i.e 0 - 20 mA = 0 - 100 Bar or 0 - 60 meters per second etc... it all depends on the sensor attached.
We have created a data source for the data logger and then another meta data source that uses the raw data as its source. In the meta data source we apply the following script:Just change the first 4 numbers to change the scaling factor. The above example will move the decimal point to the left one place. But the script will work with any scaling required not just factors of ten. Also we have named the data source as raw under the VAR column, hence raw.value in the equation. Just change the equation to match your naming convention.
I hope this helps.