Problem with data point filter
Hi I have created a modbus instance and configured the data points. Now if I go to the instance and look at the data points and try to filter on a column, I get a big SQL error:
I am using ubuntu 12.04 and openjdk-7. everthing else seems to work...
Server error: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT,,dp.xid,dp.dataSourceId,,dp.deviceName,dp.enabled,dp.pointFolderId,dp.loggingType,dp.intervalLoggingPeriodType,dp.intervalLoggingPeriod,dp.intervalLoggingType,dp.tolerance,dp.purgeOverride,dp.purgeType,dp.purgePeriod,dp.defaultCacheSize,dp.discardExtremeValues,dp.engineeringUnits,,ds.xid,ds.dataSourceType FROM dataPoints AS dp join dataSources ds on = dp.dataSourceId WHERE ORDER BY dp.deviceName,]; nested exception is org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Syntax error in SQL statement "SELECT DP.ID,DP.DATA,DP.XID,DP.DATASOURCEID,DP.NAME,DP.DEVICENAME,DP.ENABLED,DP.POINTFOLDERID,DP.LOGGINGTYPE,DP.INTERVALLOGGINGPERIODTYPE,DP.INTERVALLOGGINGPERIOD,DP.INTERVALLOGGINGTYPE,DP.TOLERANCE,DP.PURGEOVERRIDE,DP.PURGETYPE,DP.PURGEPERIOD,DP.DEFAULTCACHESIZE,DP.DISCARDEXTREMEVALUES,DP.ENGINEERINGUNITS,DS.NAME,DS.XID,DS.DATASOURCETYPE FROM DATAPOINTS AS DP JOIN DATASOURCES DS ON DS.ID = DP.DATASOURCEID WHERE ORDER[*] BY DP.DEVICENAME, DP.NAME "; expected "NOT, EXISTS, SELECT, FROM"; SQL statement: SELECT,,dp.xid,dp.dataSourceId,,dp.deviceName,dp.enabled,dp.pointFolderId,dp.loggingType,dp.intervalLoggingPeriodType,dp.intervalLoggingPeriod,dp.intervalLoggingType,dp.tolerance,dp.purgeOverride,dp.purgeType,dp.purgePeriod,dp.defaultCacheSize,dp.discardExtremeValues,dp.engineeringUnits,,ds.xid,ds.dataSourceType FROM dataPoints AS dp join dataSources ds on = dp.dataSourceId WHERE ORDER BY dp.deviceName, [42001-171]
I'd send you a screenshot of my instance but I don't seem to be able to attach anything ...
This is a bug in the SQL for the filter. What table are you filtering?
The "All data points" table which is at the top of the Data Sources page that contains all of the data points.
The "Data Source data points" table which is the table at the bottom of the page when editing a data source that lists the data points for the currently edited source?
Thanks for brining this to our attention.
That's interesting. I'm not able to duplicate this, can you tell me what version of the Mango core are you using, what database you are using and exactly where you are typing the filter and an example of the filter?