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How can I configure Mango so that I can access with https instead of http
I want to make the communication more secure to Mango through https instead of http. Can Mango do that ? How ? Thanks !
If you're using Mango 2.0.7 or later, you can enable SSL by creating your own keystore using the java keytool. To do this, you'll need a java JDK. Here are some basic instructions to generate a self-signed certificate in a manually created java keystore:
1)Generate a keystore.
a. Navigate to your /jdk home/bin/keystore.exe file (your operating system may differ! Sometimes ../lib/security/keystore)
b. Run command (windows): keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass PASSWORD -validity 365 -keysize 1024
c. Answer the questions.
d. Keep key password the same as the keystore password (do not enter another password).2)Point Mango to the keystore.
a.Move keystore.jks (created in the same folder as the keystore executable) to your /mango home/overrides directory.
b.Edit in /mango home/overrides/properties (or ma.home/class/ if you haven't moved it into your overrides directory) under the section “SSL control” to have the following lines (it should already have the lines, but not filled out):
ssl.port=443 (or another available port)
ssl.keystore.location=[YOUR FULL MANGO PATH HERE]/overrides/keystore.jks
ssl.keystore.password=[PASSWORD FROM 1B HERE]3)Start Mango
4)Access your instance now at https://[YOUR URL HERE]
Thank you of your quick response. I have some version installed with 2.0.6. Does your procedure work ?
I do not believe so.
Hi Philip,
We have a client on the 2.0.6. Is there a procedure to enable https (i.e. setting ssl.on=true)? Please advise.
Ricardo -
Nope, this would likely be for version 3 and above. You could try upgrading your version 2 to a higher version 2 but I'm not sure how well it will work. If https is a must, I'd advise configuring a proxy for mango using apache or nginx.