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Ubuntu 12.04 / java 1.7.0_09 / librxtx-java / mango automation Installation How-to
I just moved my install from a windows 7 to Ubuntu 12.04 Server and I just installed SSH and tomcat. I can login, but all my graphs are now broken images. Are the graphs saves somewhere else other then the mango folder?
I followed these instructions and it all seems to work quite well.
I have installed Ubuntu 64 bit so selected jdk and jre x64. The version was also 1.7.0_10
I also installed the rxtx per your instructions but in mango under the modbus serial data source I get: "no rxtxSerial in java.library.path"
Because of the x64 java there is no usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_09/jre/lib/i386 so i used usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_09/jre/lib/amd64
Any other thoughts on the rxtx?
Joel. -
re welcome. Thank you for sharing this SCADA. No special reason for 1.7. I just wanted latest available software packages, and as for tomcat - it
s not needed for latest mango, right?
I also tried installing with openjdk but had some problems regarding librxtx so decided to drop it and install from oracle.
Cheers! -
Right, tomcat is not needed but it installs the JDK along with it which save time.
I'm going to do some testing but still can't figure out the rxtx thing?
copied from
x64 Binaries
Should you wish to use RxTx on a x64 based computer, note that the downloads on this page will not work, for x64 compiled binaries go to: Cloudhopper RxTx page. Binaries have been tested successfully on Windows Server 2008 R2, although they are slightly outdated (december 2008), and known to crash when unplugging an USB serial adapter. Another option obtaining prebuilt binaries for x64 is one of the #Known RXTX forks below.
I have tried the 64bit version of RXTX several times. The serial ports show fine in mango but when Mango tries to actually send data on one Java crashes with this error:
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f3d05dca5da, pid=13353, tid=139900081764096
JRE version: 7.0_10-b18
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.6-b04 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
Problematic frame:
C [] Java_gnu_io_RXTXPort_nativeDrain+0xea
Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
An error report file with more information is saved as:
If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
I decided to try 32 bit Ubuntu and follow your instructions. I've done it twice now and when I try to start mango I get
./ 40: ./ /usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_10: Permission denied
java -version looks right and I'm running as root and can't figure out why permission would be denied, I didn't have this problem when using 64bit.
Joel. -
Ok just figured out the permission denied error. I had a extra space in the path of the JAVA_HOME environmental variable : )
RXTX works fine on 32bit.
Also something that might be useful to know, I'm running on a fairly low power single board atom computer and Mango runs much much faster when using the Oracle java vs the OpenJDK. I would not have thought to test them side by side like this so thanks. On higher power servers OpenJDK seems just fine.
Maybe i should mention in first post that i used 32 bit ubuntu. I had no idea that it would matter regarding rxtx issues.
Do you have any clue what would be minimum hardware specifications for running mango smoothly?
There really are no minimum requirement because it all depends on what you want to do. I have not done these test myself but there have been several companies testing Mango on small ARM computers and Mango will run on all of them. The UI of Mango can be quite slow when running on a low power CPU, if your application does not require logging into Mango very much then these could work fine. Note: DGLux is a client side technology so you can still develop high quality dashboards to view data from the low power computer without taxing the CPU very much. Other factors are how fast you need to be logging data and if you need to view detailed data over long periods of time.
To supporter: For Mango to carry out it's operations of collecting or publishing data it takes very little CPU or Ram. To view the data on DGLux dashboards also does not take much. For the Mango UI to be fast and to do large history pulls of data take more CPU.
I hope this helps. There is currently still quite a bit of R&D going on to answer these questions.
Firstly, very helpful tutorial, ime, thanks.
I am trying to get Mango working on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit VPS.
I have followed your install guide, except swapping the most recent package for each software (so JDK and JRE 1.7.0_17, Mango 2.0.6, modbus IP 1.4.2).
When I run ./ the script starts.
Firstly, it gives:
INFO 2013-03-30 15:38:52,032 ( - (env) Found updated file(s) at [/home/myuser/mango/classes/]. Reloading properties
WARN 2013-03-30 15:38:52,444 (com.serotonin.m2m2.Main.getProperties:607) - Module /home/myuser/mango/web/modules/_save: not found in module directory. Module not loaded.
It then continues and then hangs indefinitely at: ```
INFO 2013-03-30 15:38:56,813 ( - (dglux) Found updated file(s) at [/home/myuser/mango/web/modules/dglux/classes/]. Reloading propertiesI have tried it with both M2M2_HOME and MA_HOME set at the mango installation directory. I have not installed Tomcat, as I understand that is now no longer needed. I have checked in classes, and 8080 is set as the port. Any suggestions? I am quite stumped. Thanks. EDIT - I can, however, log-in to the Mango installation, at 8080. Is it safe to assume I can ignore these errors?
Hi, I have exactly the same problem as yours, my log stops at
INFO 2013-06-05 10:42:17,685 (
.checkForReload:142) - (dglux) Found updated file(s) at [/home/paolo/mango/web/m
odules/dglux/classes/]. Reloading propertiesFurthermore, however, I cannot log-in to the Mango installation, at 8080. Did you solve this issue ?
If you can log in then it's save to assume its running fine.
I can log-in as Joel says so I assume it's fine. However, I never got to the bottom of it.
I don't know why you wouldn't be able to log-in to the installation at 8080. Can you give any other information?
Joel: I should probably mention that once up and running it is quite a pleasure to use, btw.
I followed these instructions and it all seems to work quite well.
I have installed Ubuntu 64 bit so selected jdk and jre x64. The version was also 1.7.0_10
I also installed the rxtx per your instructions but in mango under the modbus serial data source I get: "no rxtxSerial in java.library.path"
Because of the x64 java there is no usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_09/jre/lib/i386 so i used usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_09/jre/lib/amd64
Any other thoughts on the rxtx?
I've never figure out how to get rxtx to work on 64 bit Ubuntu. It works fine on 32 bit just fine.